Modern Romeo and Juliet

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In a world where love knows no bounds,
Two souls entwined, in destiny's rounds.
Romeo and Juliet, a modern tale,
But with a twist, their journey frail.

Born into bodies that didn't fit,
Transgender hearts, struggling to commit.
Yet love transcends, it knows no bounds,
In secret meetings, on forbidden grounds.

Their love blossomed in the shadows deep,
Where society's judgments could not seep.
But cruel reality, a relentless foe,
Cast shadows upon their love's soft glow.

For in a world that fails to understand,
Their love was deemed a sin, a reprimand.
They faced the scorn, the hatred's sting,
But still, they dared to spread love's wing.

Alas, the world's cruelty took its toll,
Their love condemned, their spirits stole.
With heavy hearts, they made their plight,
To end their suffering, in the dead of night.

Hand in hand, they faced their fate,
Two souls united, in love so great.
In death's embrace, they found release,
Their love eternal, a bittersweet peace.

Though society's walls may never crumble,
Their love remains, a sacred tumble.
For Romeo and Juliet, in life's cruel bet,
Found solace in love, in death, they met.

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