Our Soul Becomes One

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In the vast expanse where day meets night,
The sun and moon, in radiant light,
They dance together, in cosmic embrace,
Two souls entwined in timeless grace.

Though their paths may seldom align,
Their love endures, a bond divine.
For when they meet, in twilight's glow,
Their love and admiration only grow.

Like the sun and moon, in the sky above,
So too, in human hearts, we find love.
Though distances may keep us apart,
The flame of affection still warms the heart.

Through trials and tribulations we endure,
Our love, like theirs, remains pure.
For even when apart, we still admire,
The beauty and grace that fuels desire.

So let us cherish the moments we share,
Knowing that love transcends all despair.
Like the sun and moon, forever intertwined,
In each other's light, our hearts will find.

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