Chapter 4.25 - Enemy of My Enemy

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"There's a swarm approaching your position."

Mod didn't stop running. He was almost at the office building—

Almost at the trap Angel Eye and Lau Keishos had set for him.

"What about the Summit?" Mod asked.

"Don't expect any support. The Deep Ones are mobilizing all over the world and all over Belport. For the foreseeable future, you are on your own."

As TINA spoke, the drones overhead were mobilizing. The sound of machinegun fire ceased as drones were given new orders. Mod watched as the UV glint of drones in the sky faded one by one. Thankfully, TINA didn't take everything. She left them with several Fast-Response drones and a single heavy drone.

Mod felt a pang of bitterness at the sight. The other attack from the Deep Ones was still fresh in his mind—Mod and Serenity's groups definitely could've used drone support then.

Mod pushed the bitterness aside. He understood. After all, Venture and TINA had an entire city to protect.

He hefted his fusion rifle and checked the connections. At least his rifle and internal batteries were fully charged again. He'd wanted an excuse to test his rifle, and this would be a true test of its capabilities.

Mod paused just outside. Arsenal had engaged the sorcerer on the upper floor, and Mod briefly considered helping. But then the building rumbled and the upper floors quaked. The roof buckled and there was the sound of cracking walls and rushing water, like a damn burst.

He hugged the wall as water and rubble rained down on the street. Thankfully, the rest of the building didn't come down.

The front entrance used to be a set of double doors that most likely opened up into a lobby. The doors were thrown wide open and there was nothing but a warped hall of mirrors stretching off into the distance. It felt like peering through a kaleidoscope. Whether by illusion magic or the compounding reflection of mirrors, the hall seemed to fade into the distance—much, much further than the office building should've allowed.

"TINA, send a drone to pick up Windvane and Shifter. Bring them here. We'll use the building as a holding point. Arsenal, are the hostages out?"

"All but one. I don't see Oakenheart either."

TINA added, "There is a high probability that they escaped into the tunnels."

Mod peered through the tunnel of mirrors, slowly leaning around the corner. Angel Eye was somewhere at the end and was probably waiting for Mod. Suspicion finally got the better of him, and Mod detached his impact shield and used the reflective surface to find his enemy.

Angel Eye was indeed standing at the end of the impossibly long hall. He'd traded his rifle for twin pistols, both of which were already pointed in Mod's direction. He wore a long duster coat and a high-tech monocle.

"The Deep Ones are attacking again!" Mod called out to Angel Eye, not sure whether the gunslinger would hear him or care.

A second later, Angel Eye tapped his earpiece and said something, but Mod was too far away to hear.

Then Angel Eye called out, "I can't confirm that. All my teammates are down or gone!"

"Why don't you drop the magic and we can work together? Use it to cover the building..."

"Can't. Not without Lau. And we've got an asset to protect!"

Mod sighed. They didn't have time for this.

Before he could think of a response, the ground rumbled. It didn't feel like an earthquake—it felt like it was coming from right beneath the building. Even Angel Eye spun around, turning his guns on the floor like he expected something to come from beneath him.

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