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Of all the places Jinx could have appeared, she suddenly stood in the school hallway, and the students who passed her looked up and down at her, immediately judging whether she was worthy of friendship. She stood there awkwardly and alone tightly squeezing the shoulder from the backpack that she had worn on one shoulder, her heart beating her a hundred miles an hour every muscle she had stiffened ready to escape at any moment.

She watched everyone standing there and not knowing what to do, felt different, looked different from other girls who covered their bodies wearing tops and trousers with holes that revealed more than covered them. What about Jinx? She was standing there in a shirt that was too big, which was old and on the shirt she had a jacket, which had Jinx painted patterns with skulls and bees on her back what she liked most, black pants she had too big and slipped off her waist causing her legs to fall under the soles of her shoe getting dirty. And on her red, loose hair that got tangled in the wind, she wore her beloved hat, which she never parted from when she left the house, she must wear on the top of her head, but not cover her ears.

It was too warm to cover her ears with a hat, and it wasn't forever enough to make her sinuses sick, but the wind tangle her red hair.

When she finished the period of recruiting and adjusting to school with the Social Services lady and Price, they sent her here to tell her how to make friends and how to behave. The teenager seemed ready and yet she stood at the entrance totally stressed and stiff as a guitar string, she wanted to escape to a quiet place, but she couldn't leave the class.

Price will quickly notice the absence through the electronic journal, and if he sees it, he doesn't even want to know what's going to happen. She clenched her hand tightly on the backpack hugging the fabric, turned her head to feel someone watching her. It was Price sitting in the car watching and judging how Jinx was behaving. He saw how stiff and stressed she was. He just pointed his thumbs up, which, like it or not, slightly lifted the teenager's spirits like it was his word.

You got this girl just get up out of this swamp and go on"

Looking at the students again, she noticed how some of them were going to their classes, where lessons were to be held, she was in high school. As much as she didn't want to be here, she didn't want to be in high school, she was more interested in high school, like art school or... another art school?

And now he's standing here. Nearest high school to Price's apartment.

She was just supposed not to spoil it, but she probably already did, standing like a pillar of salt in the front door, only slightly moving away to make room for other students or teachers coming in or out.

She reached for her backpack to find her lesson plan. She had to figure out what to do. In short, find the rooms enter her and don't be late sit as far as you can and just disappear, she wanted to disappear her boldness was trampled on by Annalise who constantly criticized the teen's boldness and her escape from the stressful situation of frequent swearing.

She was supposed to have a smile on her face and be friendly and laugh at everything. She was supposed to look like she was out of a happy family, and she wasn't.

She didn't have a family and she wasn't happy, but she learned the fake smile so much that Annalisa accepted it and they thought she was ready to go to that hell called school.

Leaving a hollow breath, she went in the direction that seemed right She had to find her room, looking at the plan She looked for the number that was supposed to point to the classroom She had to find room thirty-six, raising her eyes She looked at every door looking for the mark she was supposed to find

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