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Lisa ran her fingers through her thick, dark hair, a frown on her face. The day had been long and busy. From the minute her security detail had converged on the helicopter at first light, she'd had to swing into action, moving the pieces around to protect Roseanne from the gossip that was inevitable, given the obvious fact they'd spent the night together in a secluded cabin. While her security detail contained only her most trusted men, Lisa knew secrecy couldn't be guaranteed.

Timing was imperative.

Lisa'd commanded her Chief of Security to call a meeting of senior government ministers as soon as she returned to the Palace, and she'd entrusted Roseanne to the care of another member of her staff. She'd seen the fear in Roseanne's eyes, the anxiety, and Lisa'd wanted to push everyone away from Roseanne, to draw Roseanne into her arms and kiss her until Roseanne collapsed against her, Roseanne's heart raging, a smile on those full, pink lips of hers.

But Lisa couldn't indulge those desires easily – not yet. A woman with Roseanne's reputation – unwarranted, as it turned out – needed an air of propriety, and it was up to Lisa to ensure Roseanne had that. For this reason, Lisa had Roseanne installed in a suite of rooms reserved for visiting dignitaries, far from her own bedroom. It was better for gossip to be kept to a minimum, but Lisa resented the necessity of that. Lisa. would have preferred to have Roseanne's warm, responsive, naked body in her bed immediately.

Between the fallout from the terrorist attack, the necessary police interviews, the investigation between the various attendant countries, and the shock from her marriage announcement, Lisa felt as though she'd been putting out fires all day. One of the most surprising of all had been Jackson's reaction. Far from being relieved that Roseanne was finally settling down, Jackson had been furious with Lisa, practically threatening all-out war if Lisa dared hurt his half-sister.

But Lisa didn't want to hurt her.

Guilt and recriminations swam through her. Lisa's thought of the way Roseanne'd looked when they'd arrived at the palace, the square set of her shoulders as though Roseanne were trying, desperately, to convince everyone she was completely fine. Only Lisa could see the thundering of the pulse point at the base of Roseanne's throat, the panic deep in her beautiful, feline eyes.

With a muttered oath, Lisa stood from behind her desk, striding to the door before she could second-guess her intentions. Close to midnight, the palace was empty except for a light security presence. Lisa moved without noticing the guards who stood periodically through the hallways, her long robes billowing behind her as she moved from the wing she used for official state business into the area of the palace more commonly used by guests. Lisa didn't stop to question her intention until she reached the door to Roseanne's suite, and even then, Lisa refused to give in to doubts.

Lisa knocked once on the door then pushed it inwards without waiting for a response, her obsidian gaze scanning the room quickly. Roseanne wasn't asleep, and Lisa was glad. Lisa watched as Roseanne spun around, indignation giving way to surprise, before Roseanne tamped down on her expressive face, arranging her features into a cool mask of polite calm.

"Your Highness."

Lisa locked the door behind herself, crossing her arms over her chest. "I suspect you use my title to put distance between us, but I should tell you, I find it incredibly sexy."

Roseanne's lips parted and Lisa grew hard, her body responding with instant, powerful recognition.

"How do you feel?"

Roseanne bit down on her lip, apparently surprised by the question. "Why?"

Lisa frowned, moving deeper into the room, drawn to Roseanne by some ancient, primal need. "You were caught in an explosion yesterday, and a lot has happened since then."

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