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“Arranged marriages are not all bad, my friend,” Lisa spoke to address one of her oldest friends, Sheikh Bambam Nasser, but her eyes were trained across the room, on her wife, Emira Roseanne Katabi. She was locked in conversation with an American diplomat, Roseanne’s eyes sparking as she argued with the man about some injustice or other.

“That is easy for you to say. You were in the enviable position of choosing your bride – who just happens to be everything a person could wish for.”

Lisa would never argue with that. Only she and Roseanne knew the true nature of their relationship, and the pragmatic start Lisa’d tried to give it. Every now and again, she tortured herself by imagining ‘what if’. What if she hadn’t brought Roseanne to her cabin? What if Lisa’d been stronger, more able to resist Roseanne’s inexperienced efforts at seduction? What if they’d never slept together, and Lisa’d never been able to step into this perfect, wonderful life?

Their three children were a testament to their love, and their happiness. No matter how stressful Lisa’s day had been, returning to her apartment and finding Roseanne and their little ones together made her heart full.

Not to mention the prosperity and peace that had come about from their union, and all of the unintended consequences they’d been able to enjoy. As if on queue, Minnie entered the room, making a beeline for Roseanne. The conversation with the diplomat broke off, Roseanne and Minnie embraced, and somehow, Lisa’s heart grew larger, her smile broader.

Their friendship was more than Lisa could have hoped for, but there was no doubting how much her sister and wife relied on one another.

“You are like a love-sick teenager,” Bambam complained, so Lisa dragged her gaze back to her friend.

“Yes,” Lisa agreed. What was the point in denying it? “But you know nothing of your bride. Why are you so certain you won’t like one another?”

“You’re wrong. I know plenty about her. And everything I know, I despise.”

Lisa lifted a dark brow. “First impressions can be misleading.”

Bambam shook his head. “This is useless. You see everything through your rose-coloured glasses. I’m telling you, this is going to be a disaster.”

“Then cancel the contracts,” Lisa said with a shrug.

“You know I can’t do that. My uncle’s dying wish was that we would marry. I made him a promise. I will never renege on it.”

A man of honour, Lisa appreciated her friend’s commitment. “Then there is nothing for it. Marry her, and make the best of it.”

“Thank you so much for your help,” Bambam snapped sarcastically.

Lisa was saved from making any additional reply by Roseanne’s arrival at her side. “Am I interrupting?” Roseanne asked, smiling from one to the other.

Bambam bowed. “Not at all, your highness. I was just making my excuses.” Bambam’s dark brown eyes pierced Lisa’s. “I have an engagement to announce in the morning, after all.” He strode from the room, his spine erect, his shoulders squared, and both Roseanne and Lisa watched him go.

“He doesn’t sound happy about it,” Roseanne observed after a moment.

“Well, we cannot all be so lucky as to marry our soulmates.” Lisa lifted a hand to Roseanne’s cheek, running her thumb over her soft skin.

“That’s true.” Roseanne’s voice was thickened with emotion. “We are pretty lucky.”

“Yes, my love. We are.”

Lisa kissed the tip of her nose and felt Roseanne’s juddering sigh.

“Do you think we should get back?” Roseanne suggested after a moment. The party was winding down, guests leaving quietly, as midnight had long since come and gone. Their jet was waiting to take them across the border into Salim.

“No,” Lisa said. “Let’s stay here. Jennie and Jisoo have been asking us to visit with them for a long time. Let’s make a weekend of it.”

“Without the children?” Roseanne said, aghast.

Lisa laughed. “The children will be home. Better than fine. They are in the very capable hands of their nannies, and Minnie will spend tomorrow with them. Come, Roseanne. Just this once, let me be selfish and have you all to myself.”

Roseanne sighed happily. “I suppose I can live with that.”

Lisa kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m delighted to hear it, because you are, I’m afraid, stuck with me forever.”


“On every star in the heavens, yes. I promise.”


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