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Roseanne was fuming and she didn’t make any attempt to hide that fact. Every step through this beautiful palace only intensified her anger. This was all new to her. New art on the walls, new corridors, new windows, new views – Lisa was leading her deeper into this ancient building, to a part she hadn’t known existed. Lisa was taking Roseanne to her own apartment, she realised, as the presence of guards grew, the visible wealth more obvious, until finally they reached a pair of doors that were pure gold.

Lisa nodded for Roseanne to precede her. Roseanne did so without meeting her eyes, stalking into Lisa’s sanctuary and looking around, taking in the details. Enormous marble columns supported the treble-height ceilings, huge chandeliers hung in a line that led to the balcony. The furniture was ancient and beautiful, cushions in bright colours scattered across a low-set sofa.

She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for Lisa to speak.

Lisa locked the door then paced towards her, her stride long, Lisa’s face giving nothing away.

“You’re angry with me.”

Roseanne startled, the words the last she’d expected.

“Am I?”

Lisa frowned. “Do not deny it, Roseanne.”

“Or what?” She snapped.

Lisa’s nostrils flared. “Or nothing. Just – do not deny it.”

Their eyes clashed, black and brown, tension radiating between them.

“What is it?”

She hadn’t expected the solicitous tone of Lisa’s voice. When she’d seemed angry with Roseanne, she’d been able to meet anger with anger, but quiet patience made Roseanne feel like a recalcitrant child.

Roseanne stamped her foot, trying to keep a hold of her temper, like the rush of heat it pushed through her blood. A knock sounded at the door and a muscle jerked in Lisa’s jaw, her eyes holding Roseanne’s.

“There’s someone here to see you,” Roseanne pointed out, grateful for the reprieve. She needed a moment.

“I am aware of that. Whoever it is, they are of little importance. Tell me what is going on?”

“You know who it is?”

“I know who it’s not,” Lisa corrected mysteriously.

“Go on, your highness.”

Her heart stammered, but Roseanne couldn’t do this knowing there was someone on the other side of the door. She sighed and turned towards it, moving that way on autopilot.

But Lisa stopped her, her hand catching Roseanne’s wrist, her eyes flaring with dark emotions once more. “Stay over there,” Lisa nodded towards a table. “It is better if you are not seen in my suite.”

She didn’t question Lisa’s directive, but simply moved to the table, watching as Lisa opened the door and wordlessly took a small, battered green rucksack from someone, before shutting the door again.

“Why can’t I be seen here, Lisa? We’re getting married, aren’t we?”

Lisa’s jaw clamped shut.

“Because of my reputation? You think people will judge me for sneaking into my fiancé’s room?”

Lisa placed the bag down on a chair and moved towards her. “Protocol dictates we wait until we are married.”

“You don’t care about protocols, so why should I?”

“I don’t need to be as careful as you.”

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