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Yet not all happy things can stay happy forever...


While the world of racing was flying ahead at the speed of light, Pete and Way were cruising along at the speed of love. While all the rest of the X Hunter crew continued to fight against Tony and protect all those who had been taken away from a normal life, Pete and Way were lost in their little world, drifting away from the harsh reality into their own land of love and happiness. But soon that bubble was broken.

After weeks of investigation, they had finally found information about Tony and where the next auction was going to be. The single call that wrong through the air broke the spell of bliss, work, and reality, had finally caught up to the both of them. With dread, Pete picked up the phone.

"Hello? Ah, okay. Yes. Yes. Thank you." Was all that could be heard from Pete's conversation. Way knew it was T time, they had finally got the information they needed, and the right of way to get right to Tony. This also meant that Way would have to reconcile, and reconnect with Babe before they created any more of a gap between them and before they confronted Tony.

The weight of the situation finally dawned on them both, in the silent and tense ride back to Alan's place. Way felt unprepared and scared to talk with Babe after hurting his best friend and abandoning him. And Charlie's death made it no easier to talk to Babe... or really anyone. Pete could feel the worry and angst radiating off of Way as they parked in Alan's driveway. Pete reached over and held on to Way's hand, squeezing it giving him a little boost of courage and warmth. Way looked up and smiled at Pete thanking the heavens above that he had fallen for such a kind and caring man. But he still felt anxious about confronting Babe after all this time.

The atmosphere inside of Alan's house was none other than dark and gloomy and empty, Jeff had been taken from them and so hadn't Charlie. Babe suffered every day from this, whether internally or externally, he always showed his emotions -- he was done hiding. Alan seemed to suffer more on the inside as his relationship had been newer and it was taken away from him in a flash. When Pete and Way walked into the house the air seemed to thicken all around them. As soon as Babe made eye contact with Way it was as if Babe was trying to bore a hole right through him, and Way didn't blame him. Pete walked away from Way, going off to find Alan to talk about the plans for the auction, this left Way standing uncomfortably with all the eyes on him. North and Sonic didn't budge their eyes still glued on him, but Babe got up and left walking out towards the swimming pool. Way sighed and followed in suit behind Babe knowing this was the only chance he would get to talk to him.

Way could tell by Babe's body language that he most definitely did not want to talk to him, but Way knew better than to leave the matter alone. No matter what he had to talk to Babe, he had to talk to him. Way didn't care if Babe didn't trust him or believe him or anything of that matter. Way just wanted to talk to him, all Way wanted was just to have his friend back. Way just wanted to talk to him one last time, even if it was his last.

"Babe... I understand that you don't trust me, I understand that you don't love me, I understand that you probably don't want to talk to me, but I need to talk to you. I don't want to leave you like this, I don't want forgiveness from you. All I want is for you to listen to me and hear me and understand that all I wanted from you was your love. Tony wanted me to do absurd things to you, and now I see it all. I see everything that I have done wrong. I don't want today to be our last day together ever and have it end like this, I want my best friend back. I want you to understand that I'm changing and I'm trying... And I have found the one that truly makes me happy, and I know this doesn't make up for what I have done to you and all I have done to you, but just listen to me please."

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