Bonus Chapter: Pam

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Time skip: 4 years later



The sleek black car pulled into the lot, not too far from the grave of Way. Way, a member of the X Hunter team. An elite racer. One of Tony's adopted sons. An enigma. The best friend of the famous racer, Pit Babe. A heartbreaker to many. True love to one. The infamous CEO, Pete, lover. Way had died in the fight against freedom from Tony, by protecting his best friend. Many suffered from Way's death, from his mentor, Alan; to his best friend, Babe; to his true love, Pete. Pete who had never stopped loving Way even after his death. Pete who had carried the weight of Way's death the longest. Pete, who had lost two people in one day. Though Way had never told him the people who had taken Way's body had told Pete that he had lost two people that day: Pete, the father of an unborn child who had died the same day as its father.

The door to the car opened and out stepped two people. Pete, who looked as put together as ever. From the black dress pants and black dress shoes he wore to the grey turtleneck sweater, anyone could tell that he was from high class. But, what they couldn't tell was that he carried a huge secret on his shoulders. Literally. A second person emerged from the car. A small someone, a little girl. The little girl had big doe eyes and a dimply smile like her Dad, and the face of her Papa. Her long dark brown hair was done up into two braids, adorned with flowers from her Papa's garden. She was wearing a simple but classy dress that matched her sandals. As soon as she got outside of the car she stepped in a puddle, getting her feet all wet. She squealed and leaped back into the car, whining about her wet feet. Pete just laughed at his daughter's adorableness.

"Papa!! Stop laughing!" She cried out. Pouting at Pete. It was the same pout that his lover had made at him so many times before.

"Ok, ok. I'll stop. Do you want me to carry you, Pam?" Pete asked his daughter, his laughter fading into the air around them. This was his huge secret. On the same day that Pete had gotten Way pregnant with their unborn child, Way had gotten Pete pregnant with Pam. No one had known about his pregnancy besides Alan and Jeff, who had helped him through all of his pregnancy. It was not unheard of for an enigma to get pregnant from another enigma but it also wasn't very common, and they weren't treated as nicely as alphas, much less omegas. So, Pete trusted no one to know about his and Way's child. Even to the point where he had a home birth instead of the hospital, because who knows what they would have done to him and Pam. Honestly, Pete had no idea where the name Pam came from. He didn't even know the sex of his child until she was born and then it was as if something came over him but as soon as he held her the name "Pam" slipped from his lips. And that was that.

Pete has always made it very clear that Pam's father was not around anymore but would always be with them. No matter how many days had passed since Way's death they never forget about him. Pete also made a promise to Pam that for her birthday she would grant her any wish, which he upheld without a second thought. Pam had wished to see her father. Pete couldn't be happier and more proud of his daughter for wanting to see her father for her birthday so they could celebrate as a family.


From inside the car, Pete withdrew a basket and a blanket, balancing that all on one arm, he used the other free arm to pick up his princess. Together they made their way over to see Way. A fresh bouquet adorned Way's grave, the stones looked the same as the day they were placed, Pete had made sure that his lover's grave was never forgotten or dirty. The willow trees around Way's grave made the place look unreal and brought back unwelcome memories of the funeral. The memories left as soon as they came, Pete couldn't afford to fall into a spiral of sadness, not on his daughter's birthday.

"Hi, Daddy," Pam said waving at Way. "Guess what!! It's my birthday! I'm 4 now! And Papa promised to bring me here after years of pestering him, so I'm here now Daddy!!"

Pete was on the verge of tears, Pam was smiling so happily without a falter about being here. She was just so happy to see her Daddy after years of never being able to see him, not that she'd ever actually be able to see him. Pam couldn't care less that her Daddy was dead and they were celebrating her birthday at her Daddy's grave. All she wanted was to spend her special day with her whole family.

"Papa, Papa, say something to Daddy! He should know that you are here too!!" Pam said looking down at Pete from her perch on Pete's shoulder.

"Yes, yes, I will princess," Pete said calmly back at Pam, trying hard to suppress his tears. His tears were not sad tears but happy and proud tears. Pete couldn't be more proud of his daughter and to be her Papa. "Hello, Way, my princess, my love. I'm here with Pam today. Four years ago today, she came into my life. I can't believe how much she has grown. I wish you could see her. I wish I could see you. I miss you so, so, so much. I love you, always, always, always."

I've upheld our promise throughout these years. My love for you will never die. Even after I die, I'll love you in the next life and for all of eternity.

Pete set Pam down and she immediately ran off to go hug Way's headstone. Pete began to set up the picnic blanket and set up the lunch he had packed when the wind started to blow. It was a gentle, warm wind, it rippled through the dangling willow branches. The wind made the willow talk and the whispered words of the willow echoed all around them. Way. Pam had heard it too and her whole face lit up.

"Papa! I think Daddy is trying to talk to us!! Daddy is here with us!" Pam said as she ran up to Pete and hugged his legs. She was looking up at Pete with the same eyes Pete had seen Way look at him with so many times before. Pete's body acted on its own. He had picked up Pam and was hugging her like she was going to leave him too. Pam's small arms wrapped around his neck and her legs wrapped around his torso. Pete cradled her, as he dropped his face into her shoulder sobbing profusely. Pam had no idea why her Papa why crying so violently, but she just hugged her Papa back even harder sensing that he needed the comfort. The wind picked up and swirled all around them. It was as if Way was all around them, holding them all. Pete could feel his presence around him. Even so many years after Way's death he still was with them through every moment that life threw at them. Pam's picnic lunch was completely forgotten, but neither Pete nor Pam cared. Because in the end family was more important than anything else in this cruel world.

For one brief moment in time, Way, Pete, and Pam were all together as one, whole, family.



So idk if I made it make sense in the chapter but basically how I took was that if an enigma can get anyone pregnant... then can they get each other pregnant? So I made it so they could lol (if you remember in the Forbidden Fruit chapter Pete offered to bottom... you can connect the dots.)

Hope that clears things up!!

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