case 1: The White Rose

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name: unknownage: unknownprofession: unknownaddress: unknown

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name: unknown
age: unknown
profession: unknown
address: unknown

- weapons of choice: knives, guns, explosives
- has escaped confinement both times they had been captured

charges: murder, trespassing, theft, property damage, arson, espionage

about 170cm tall, lean build, athletic, black and blond hair, incredible close combat skills
dressed in black clothes (cargo pants, sneakers, hoodie)
wears an electric mask that hides their face and mimics their (presumed) expressions with blue emoticons
has at least six knives, two 9mm guns, several explosives and a storm lighter on them at all times
has proven to be unaffected by bullets hitting torso and limbs


name: unknownage: unknownprofession: unknownaddress: unknown

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name: unknown
age: unknown
profession: unknown
address: unknown

- weapons of choice: gas bombs, hand tools, nail guns, chain saw
- always accompanied by a costa rica zebra tarantula nicknamed "Rosie"

charges: murder, theft, property damage, trespassing, torture

about 185cm tall
dressed in an old, dirty white hazmat suit made of linen, the face is obscured by a presumably WW 1 gas mask, carries several dirty white linen bags at all times
has yet to run out of weapons during combat, per assumption carries at least 12 weapons at all times



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