Chapter 1

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It was just any normal day--nothing special, as Feighlyn carefully walks down the seaside--admiring the beautiful sunrise that is kind of blinding her eyes, but she couldn't care less about that. In fact, she couldn't rip off her gaze from the glistening rays. The sounds of the waves crashing down the rocks feels like a music in her ears--calming her nerves as she spread her arms in a span letting the strong gush of wind blow pass her tiny frame. Her hair slowly flows with the wind, riding in waves--as her blue orbs scan the place.

A sigh of pleasure emits from her mouth as she stays there, still and stiff. Drown in thoughts of ice cream and sweets. Smiling, she carefully closes her eyes as she drops down on the shore in a stupid manner. A soft whimper of pain fills her ears as she rubs her back in the agitation. That was kind of stupid...

The world is spinning around her as she turns her gaze round and round until she feels like puking. Speaking of stupidity guys. The sun is setting now at the far west as she stops abruptly.

The wind whistles softly as she jumps out of her bed--sweating like there's no tomorrow, eye-brows furrowed, fear engulfing her completely as she stares at the smiling picture frame across her wooden bed. Panting heavily--she grips her silky white night gown as she descends downstairs; grabbing a glass of water and drinking it in one gulp. A terrible headache started to make it's way as she holds on the kitchen counter for support.

What's happening to her?

Feighlyn closes her eyes for a moment trying to adjust to her spinning surrounding. Her vision started to blur every passing second--killing her softly. Well, not literally but it's just that the pain she's experiencing right now is just unbearable. Salty tears creeps its way to her face as she bit her lip to somehow ease the pain.

"Fei!" A booming voice come to her aid as it helps her stand up. She grips tightly at the guy's hand as if her whole life depends on it.

"Everything's going to be fine," somehow that phrase calms her down--it soothes her; calming her down--as if there's no one--there's nothing in this world can bring her down. The trembling girl heaves a big sigh as she close her eyes once again.

Fluttering it open, she found out that she was alone--no guy was helping her--no one was there to help her, sooth her down just how she thought there was. Rain started to pour down as she trembles in upright fright.


Dead Silence...

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