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You woke up early than Lucifer, he still snuggled close to you. You smiled, he's a clingy one, isn't he? You tried to get out of his grip which he made tighter when he felt you squirming around. Eventually you gave up and decided to use your teleporting abilities to run away from Lucifer, again.

You teleported off the bed, making sure you replaced yourself with a pillow which you saw Lucifer happily cuddled. You could just use your magic and make breakfast for the two of you but that doesn't seem genuine, especially after the rant yesterday.

You silently went out his room through the big doors, surprisingly not making a sound. Since you didn't know where the kitchen was, you walked around the large manor. Is it invading his privacy though? I mean, he kinda opened a portal for me and slept in the same bed with me, cuddling too by the way.

You walked by the hallway you came from, remembering you've seen a kitchen along the way. You had more time to observe the framed pictures on the wall now. Lucifer and Lilith together, dressing formally. You smile at the sight of Lucifer's genuine smile. God, isn't he just charming? You can feel the happiness just from the picture itself. There are pictures of Charlie when she was a baby, oh, how cute she was.

You found the kitchen after a few minutes of walking, went in and made simple breakfast, bacons and eggs! Since the manor was abandoned, there wasn't ingredients so you had to use your magic on that part. You also got warm water for him. Despite the kitchen not being used in quite a few years, everything still works. You shook away your thoughts and went to find Lucifer.

You were standing outside his door, wanting to open it but was stopped because your heard something coming from the room. It was like... sniffles? It sounded like Lucifer's from last night. You opened the door, being careful not to startle him. There he is, sitting on the chair you sat on yesterday, his head laying on his desk while crying into his arms.

"Lucifer?" you said softly, his head immediately looked up, his eyes swollen from last night, red from crying. He stood up and ran towards me, giving me a tight hug. You quickly used your magic to move the food on the desk and gave him an awkward hug back, confused. "I-I thought you left... I thought you didn't like how clingy I was, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have invited you to stay with me last night, I c-could've just opened a portal and let you back in your room without trouble but I just-"

"Luci, you're rambling." you cut him off with a reassuring smile. He's in such an vulnerable state, it hurts you. "I never plan to leave at all, don't worry! I'm here for you, Lucifer. You've been through a lot and after yesterday's vent, you needed someone to accompany you. I understand what you're going through and I'm not going to let you cry yourself to sleep like that. You slept like a baby last night, I didn't have trouble sleeping at all. It's okay to be clingy, just be yourself. I only went out of bed to make you breakfast!" you said to him, pointing at the desk with the food he didn't notice you were holding when you came in.

"O-Oh... I'm sorry, I overthought and I just... couldn't control myself, I'm sorry." he wipes his tears away and went to sit on his chair while you sat on a corner of his table because there wasn't any chairs and you wouldn't want to stain his bed, you eat messy sometimes. Both of you ate in silence, you could still hear him holding in his sniffles as he ate.

"Thank you, Y/N, for staying and making breakfast for me. Your company yesterday was very important to me, you don't understand. Thank you for being here and listening to me rant, I don't really have anyone to talk to about because everyone's incredibly busy with their own things. I was scared of you leaving because that's exactly what Lilith did to me that day... she left me after a night together. I woke up and she was gone, there was no note or any messages she left. She was just... gone. Anyways, forget that!The breakfast is marvellous, thank you." Lucifer rambled a tiny bit, which made you chuckle. "You're welcome, Luci. I understand everything, you don't have to worry. I'm sorry to hear that about you and Lilith, it must've been shocking and upsetting for you."

You looked over to him, he had a small grin on his face. You saw a little stain on the side of his mouth.

You leaned in, making his eyes widen as you wiped the stain off. His blush was dark red, very much visible for you to see. You giggled at the sight and used your hands to cup his cheeks after wiping the stain away with a handkerchief you spawned with your magic. His face burning even more, probably as hot as the hottest fires in Hell.

"There was something on your face, gotta clean it so you stay as charming as you always are." despite Lucifer being the Sin of Pride, he surprisingly didn't shove that compliment in my face and stayed silent with his blush spreaded his entire face. He faked a cough, "You should probably head back, Y/N. The others might be worried you haven't came out of your room."

You realised he's right, we came to his manor a few hours after breakfast and us talking to each other lasted a while despite it feeling like it's only been a couple minutes, you even stayed the night over. He opens a portal to your room which you walked through.

"I'll be at the Hotel in a few, I have some uhh... papers to sign! Yeah! Anyways, I'm gonna go see y-" before he could finish his sentence, he closed the portal, leaving you alone in your room. You chuckled at the sight of him, all flustered before the portal disappears. You changed into another set of clothes, do your daily routine and get ready for the day.

You walked out of the room, hearing a faint static right behind you when you walked out.

"Ą̵̺̰̻̻͔͇͓̈́̓͛̏̈́͌͋̄̑͆̏ǹ̷̨͍̮̥̹̘͙̗̻̬̬̜̥̮̃̒̈́̽͗̿̍̄̂̏͆͠͝d̶̡̲̗̼̮̤̤̳̲͖͓͍͔͓̓̎̽́̽̏̐͂̆͆͘͘͘ ẃ̸̝̝̰͋͒ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ ẃ̸̝̝̰͋͒ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ y̶͔͗ŏ̸̡̼̺̫̥̻͈̞̍͆̏̓́͜͝ͅu̷̬̩̰̫͕̘͎̔́̃̄̍͋̓ l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆ǎ̴̯̀͠s̴̹̀̎̇͗̍͗̾̋̏̈͐͒̕͠͠ͅt̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅ ǹ̷̨͍̮̥̹̘͙̗̻̬̬̜̥̮̃̒̈́̽͗̿̍̄̂̏͆͠͝i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅǧ̷̡̟̲̹̩̱͉̮̭͇͚̮̖̟̽̓͊̔̓̕ḥ̸̨̧̗̮̖̽̂̓̀̍̋͋́̅̃͘͜͝t̸̫̫̤͕̳̻̰̣̭́̌̉͝ͅ, m̵̢͕̫̓̔͑̊̈y̶͔͗ d̶̡̲̗̼̮̤̤̳̲͖͓͍͔͓̓̎̽́̽̏̐͂̆͆͘͘͘ë̸͓̮͉͈͇͍̖͎̩̞͈́́́̋̇̾͋̈́̾͆͑͘͘͜͠͝ǎ̴̯̀͠r̵̡͕͈͚͍͍̼͕̍̀̈́̽̎̍͗̍́̏̚͜͠?"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 [ Lucifer X Fem!Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now