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!! SMALL A/N !!

I've been visiting the hospital a lot recently and I have too much shit going on so expect late updates, I apologise for all the delays <3 I'm probably going to go on a hiatus for a few weeks (?) after this chapter.

Your eyes widen. 'Shit, how do I explain this to them?'

Valentino stiffens as Vox looked at him. "Val, is there something you're not telling us?" Vox's eyes swirls, hypnotising him. "The day I met Y/N, she didn't feel drowsy over my smoke or my saliva..." He replied to Vox.

Valentino looks at you with an apologetic look. "Vox, you do realise we met her in Valentino's club, right? The fuck she gon' use her powers for?" Velvette's eyes glued to her phone while defending you. She then looks up at you, giving you a reassuring smile. You smiled back at her.

"Good point... anyways." Vox cleared his throat. "It's a pleasure finally meeting you, Y/N. I believe we will be seeing each other quite often. It seems like Valentino and Velvette are quite fond with you. I hope we get along well."

"The pleasure is mine."

We ordered some food and drinks. Vox mostly talked about VoxTek, which only I listened. Velvette's eyes are still glued to her phone while Valentino is getting slightly drunk. Vox occasionally glanced at me, seeing if I'm listening to him or not. Everytime he does, I shoot him a smile, making him smile as well.

"Wait, stay still." Vox said and pulled out his phone. He pointed it at me and took a picture, he showed it to me. I looked at it in awe, he was a good photographer. It was a picture of me sitting next to him with a drink in my hand, smiling. He sent it to me because I told him I'll post it on my Sinstagram later on.

As I drank a few more, I got tipsy and started slurring everything when I talked, even when I laughed. Even tho I'm one of the strongest beings in Hell, my alcohol tolerance is absolutely bad.

Vox saw this and took this as a chance to get to know you."Enough about me, tell me about you, Y/N." He asked. Earlier when he was talking, he tried asking me several times but I denied it. He saw the drunken me and took advantage. It wasn't because of the sight he saw earlier when he was walking to the VIP room, it was because Vox genuinely wants to know about her. Vox loves talking about his business and usually no one listens or care about him, Y/N was the first one who genuinely cared and listened to him, it lit a spark in him as her eyes were on him when he told her about VoxTek.

"Well..." I slurred.

I told Vox everything. Everything as in from the start where Lucifer and Lilith took over Hell when it belonged to me. How I have been hiding, watching my realm grow till how it is now. How I hid my powers to avoid any attention. I also told Vox about how Alastor and Lucifer confronted me. The only thing I didn't tell is when I went to Lucifer's Manor.

Vox eyes widen in shock. He was expecting her to be powerful but not powerful to the point where she was the original Queen of Hell, the realm ruler.

"You said... you were, wait no, you ARE an angel?" Vox fixed his sentence. I nodded my head, I let my wings out and showed him. Angelic golden feathered wings appeared, his mouth wide open. He touched it which made me flinch, "I don't use them a lot, it's quite sensitive."

Vox nodded and retracted his hands. Vox may be shocked and surprise at the discovery but he will always respect boundaries, no matter who it is.

"Oh yeah..." I slurred, smirking. Vox raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. "I stole shit from your company."

"You WHAT?" "I wanna sleep, goodnight." I said as I laid on his lap, falling asleep immediately. Vox slightly pissed off at me but sighed and gave a small grin.

"We will continue this conversation tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Y/N."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 [ Lucifer X Fem!Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now