Chapter 5

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We walked down the dimly lit tunnel, the only light source was the little holes in the wall that light shone through.

"Is there wires running through these halls?"I ask.

Aren't snakes his head, "it's tunnels that connect to the ventilation system, little tiny mirrors are set through it to lead down here, so that if someone we're to try and find the tunnels through electricity it wouldn't work... and dad thought it was very smart of him to think of."

We continued down the halls until we got to a wall of stone bricks. Aren felt along the wall until pushing a brick in.

The wall makes a pop sound and slid out.

Aren went in and I followed.

We seemed to be in a pool shed.

"Where are we?"I ask.

Aren pulls open a door to reveal a pool.

Aren pulls open a door to reveal a pool

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"dads secret indoor pool"Aren says.

"Why did he need an indoor pool? That's secret?"I ask.

Aren shrugs, "why not?"

Giving up I look around, "who else knows about the tunnels? And the pool?"

"Only dad, me, and Vivi knew about the pool. And the tunnels are a secret only I, Vivi, dad, and the few trusted people he had built this."

So not there mom?

"Where else do the tunnels lead?"I ask.

"Anywhere, everywhere"Aren says.


"Even the stables"Aren says. "The other main reason he had this built was safety reasons. Like incase of a fire."

"How far do the tunnels reach?" I ask.

"From the entrance to the property to the Northern forest."he answers.


"How was your day dear?"Shyane asks as we started dinner.

"Fine" I answered.

"Did you ride? I've heard Perseus can be quite wild."she says.

"He was fine, they had me ride another horse, Rover." I say.

I noticed Aren clench his fork.

"What about Rover?"Vivi walks in. She was wearing what seemed to be a tank top and work out pants, she wiped her forehead which dripped slightly with sweat.

"What have I told you of coming to dinner after practice?" Shyane scolds her.

"I used the hose to wash up but"Vivi smirks sitting down. "Is something wrong with Rover?"

Shyane smiles, "Lauren was just telling us about how she rode him today."

Vivi turns to me, then back to her mother, "she rode him?"

Shyane nods, and I blurt out, "is something wrong with that?"

Before Shyane could say anything Vivi intervened, "no, nothing at all."


"Lilian"I ask.

"Yes Ms?" She asks.

"You really don't have to call me that, call me Lauren."

She nods.

"What's the deal with Rover and Vivi?" I ask.

"A few years ago Vivi went missing in the night from the school ground, along with Rover who used to be her horse. No one really knows what happened, but that Rover got stabbed in the leg or something. And Vivi got kicked from her riding team."

Rover was Vivis horse, and they went missing in the night. Rover returning injured.

But why was it making Aren so uncomfortable?

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