When you know, you know [Kyra&Alessia]

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Kyra's pov:
It's Sunday, 7:15am and I've just been woken up by my insanely loud alarm clock, which, while it always freaks me out in the morning, I have to have it that loud because I'd be able to sleep through an earthquake and not get done what I need to get done, which is mostly training. Right now I don't have anything else I have to get up early for.

I put on a pair of black sweatpants and a brown t-shirt, washed my face with cold water to wake myself up because I'm definitely not a morning person, and filled up my water bottle before I headed to training.

I put on some songs in the car and 15 minutes later I was in London Colney. In the car park I met Kim and Steph, who already seemed to be in good spirits this morning. As I got out of the car I could hear them laughing about something and my curiosity made me want to find out what. Steph was sitting in the car and Kim was standing by her open door and for some reason her windscreen wipers wouldn't turn off. When she solved that little problem and got out of the car, I ran over and hugged her. She wasn't even surprised because I do this practically every day. Steph is like my big sister, so I tease her whenever I feel like it.

I walked into the building, and a moment later a "Good morning" came from the corner of the room behind the counter, to which I replied, still not fully awake. I approached the changing room and as I walked through the door my head caught on the duct tape that was taped across the door. Lessi's laughter rang out in the room and I just said loudly and in surprise, "what the- what is this?" and I tried to peel the duct tape off the hair that was stuck there. "don't look at me...Beth did it" Lessi said, still unable to stop laughing. "isn't April Fools' Day tomorrow?" I replied to her. I sat down in my seat, which is next to Lessi's, and started to change into our training kit. "yeah, but since most of us won't be here tomorrow when we leave for camp, Beth probably moved it to today" Lessi said. I rolled my eyes and put on my leggings and shorts because it was getting a little chilly outside. "by the way, the brown t-shirt is very nice, it suits your eyes" she complimented me. I smiled at her and somehow I couldn't do anything else as I felt my cheeks light up. What is that...am I blushing? Lessi and I have become quite close lately, and not just because we transferred to Arsenal at the same time, but we also have similar interests and literally the same sense of humour. What I love most about her is how she's honest, compassionate and always finds the right words to cheer you up, and even though she may seem introverted at times, when you get to know her you find out she's actually an extrovert. Lately, I've been questioning whether I like Alessia as more than a friend, or if I've just found 'my' person. I often try to suppress these thoughts because it's not right, not only because Lessi prefers boys, but also because of our friendship. I don't really know what her sexuality is, but I don't want to ask her about it because...because it's just weird to just ask her. But still, sometimes every look, every touch, every compliment from her takes away my ability to speak and a wave of enthusiasm runs through my body.

The girls and I had breakfast and then we had a session about healthy eating, which we went to sit in the screening room for. Sometimes we have these chats to learn something new, whether it's about our bodies or something football related. I'm not going to lie, it's not something that we're totally into, but it depends on what the topic is and how the person is telling it, because about two months ago a lady came in and I don't even know what she's been talking about, but we all had a lot to do to keep us awake.

I sat next to Caitlin and Katie and then two men came in and talked to us about healthy eating and what you should eat in the morning to get your muscles started and growing properly.

We were about halfway through the session when Katie elbowed me lightly with her elbow and whispered "hey does Alessia want something from you? Because it's probably the third time she's been looking at you". I looked across the front row to the other end from me where Lessi was sitting and the moment our eyes met she turned back to the front. I just looked back at Katie and shrugged my shoulders that I didn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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