Chapter Two: The cabin Talk

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... Where am I?...
My eyes slowly opened and I saw that I was hanging limp over someone's shoulder!? My hands were tied together with rope! my legs were also tied with rope. I turned my head to see who was carrying me. All I could see was a head covered by a hoodie blue hoodie and a back covered with a brown jacket (Yes I'm changing the design a little to match with the book cover but I still think it's similar)

"Hey! Who are you!? let me go!" I shouted angrily as I tried getting away from him.

The mysterious person didn't say anything just a constant whistling followed by two tics and then completely silence before starting back up again with whistling...

"Were you the one following me!? you're the one who was making the noises!?" I exclaimed as I pulled my upper torso up.

The person or man in this case was what it seemed didn't let me go and just kept ticking and twitching and whistling like it was normal. I mean I didn't think he was a freak but just a bit curious why he was having these little tics.

"Hey, uhm... I know you've kidnapped me but I got school, you know? next Monday I have school and it's senior year and I really need to pass this year with good grades because I want to get into a good college-" before I could finish my sentence the man slightly slapped the back of my thigh not too hard but enough to hurt a little.

"Hey, don't hit me!" I told him. I frowned plastered on my lips till I realized I still had my stuff with me but I couldn't reach it for the life of me.

"S-S-shut your m-mouth." stuttered the man as he gripped the back of my thigh tightly.

"What!? No! you just kidnapped me! I have the right to talk at least!" I replied as I tried to see his face but he kept turning his face away from me.

After a while of just walking and me whining and kicking my feet and yelling but it wasn't helping. The sky was dark and the stars were flickering and the moon was full.

"aww, look at the sky it's beautiful, it would be a perfect night IF YOU DIDN'T FUCKING KIDNAP ME!" I exclaimed angrily.

"How don't you get tired!? I'm heavy and you're carrying me like a sack of potatoes!" I shouted.

"W-we're here." said the man before I heard him opening the door and walking into a rundown cabin.

"Hey! why didn't you respond to my questions." I asked with a frown.

"B-because you have *tic* something he w-wants." Said the man but was slightly muffled with a mask and his eyes hidden by a pair of orange goggles.

"That doesn't answer my question!" I shouted as the man threw me onto a bed. Wait... he isn't going to touch me is he!?

"Oh hell no! Look! I feel like we can negotiate this-" before I finished my sentence the man took off his goggles and mask revealing a stunning face with hazel eyes and some stubble alone with a gash on one of his cheeks showing his gums and teeth.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna touch you." Said the man with a monotone voice.

"Why not?" I whined

"Ex- *tic* Excuse me? I don't do that." Said the man confused with an eyebrow raised.

(Yes I got that part from that one TikTok audio ^^)

"Okay, understandable. I respect that. you're a villain but not a monster." I replied with a smile as I tried getting out of my restraints.

"Don't str-struggle, it'll only h-hurt you." Whispered the man as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll be h-here t-taking care of you as I-I wait for M-m-Masky and H--hoodie to get here." Said the man with his arms crossed as he sat down on a wooden chair.

"What's your name?" I asked as I slightly snuggled my face into the pillow supporting my head.

"It's T-Toby but they call me T-Ticci T-Toby because of my tics." Said the man as I took out one of the hatchets he had on his belt loop.

"Ticci Toby. that is a cute nickname in my opinion." I replied as I curled my legs against my abdomen.

"L-Look, just shut up. I-I have a headache f-from your constant whining."

"Come on! even a kidnapper thinks I'm annoying." I murmured as I rolled over.

"You aren't a-annoying. I g-get that y-you're just having a n-normal reaction to being kidnapped. I would be screaming and shouting and a-asking questions m-myself." Toby replied with his hatchet hanging upside down in his hand.

I frowned and threw my pillow at him the best I could with my tied together hands. The pillow hit his face and Toby let out a groan in annoyance.

"Don't th-throw pillows at me, girl." Toby stood up at put the pillow back where my head was supposed to be and then put his hand on my chest and pushed me against the bed with his arm.

"Stay st-still or else this h-hatchet will m-meet that pretty face of *tic* yours in b-between those E/C eyes of your's." Toby mumbled in your ear as he took a thin blanket and put it over me.

"I know it i-isn't much but i-it's cold and I can't have you d-die... yet." Toby then stood up and started sharpening his hatchet.

"Can you at least explain what's exactly going on?" I asked

Before Toby could respond two other men entered the cabin. One with a yellow jacket and a white mask with black lips and a gun in his hand entered first followed by a taller man with a black mask with a red frown on it along with a orange hoodie.

"To answer your question, you have something Slenderman wants. An amulet that contains enough power to kill any supernatural entity and kill what can't be killed such as Toby." Said the man wearing the white mask.

"Wait, Toby is immortal?" I asked surprise as I looked over at Toby's tired looking self.

"Tim, p-please don't *tic* tell p-people my business. Hey, girl, can you tell us your name? I'll be honest, when Slenderman sent me to get you. I just snatched you the s-s-second I could. ugh, it t-took me months to get you because *tic* the only time you go out is when you go to school and you w-walk with at least two people!" Said Toby with clear frustration.

"Yeah, my name is Y/N." I said with a smile.

"Great, Y/N, give us the amulet." Said the guy I assumed was Tim AKA Masky since he was the one wearing a mask and the other one had to be Hoodie since he was wearing a hoodie. I'm so smart.

"I don't have an amulet. The only piece of jewelry I have is this necklace."

"Where did you find it?" Asked hoodie as he approached me and took the small gem hanging from my necklace.

"I found it in the mud on a rainy day when I was little and I kinda couldn't take it off after I put it on."

"Don't t-touch her..." Said Toby as he took Hoodie's hand and gently pushed it away so he wouldn't cause any type of fight.

"Slenderman said that I'm the one t-taking care of her and g-getting her." Toby then nudged Hoodie away and then was met with Masky putting a gun to his head.

"Masky, don't shoot. You know very well I'll s-still be alive even if you *tic* shoot me so don't w-waste those precious b-bullets of yours." Toby took Masky's gun and lowered it slowly.

Masky frowned underneath his mask and Hoodie backed away. It was no use to try and kill Toby. Toby looks back at me and started to try and get the necklace off but it just wouldn't budge.

Toby took his hatchet and tried breaking the necklace but it was dangerously close to my neck so he left it alone.

"It won't come off." Toby said looking at Masky and Hoodie.

"Yeah, should we just take her back to Slanderman, he'll know what to do." suggested Hoodie.

"Yeah, we should." Responded Masky as he saw Toby take off his Jacket and put it over my shoulders and throwing me over his shoulder.

"I agree let's go." Replied Toby as I put on his mask and orange goggles. Both men nodded before they started walking out of the cabin....

(1490 word count)

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