Chapter Three: The way to the mansion

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"How can you three walk in the dark without tripping or anything?" I asked with a frown.

"You've been talking for hours just shut up! Let's just shoot her and chop off her head to get the stupid necklace." Masky then put his gun to my forehead and I tried kicking my feet in panic but the rope stopped me.

"Come on, Masky. she's just *tic* curious and also why don't you try to s-see things from her p-p-p-point of view?" said Toby as he kept walking at a fairly quick pace.

"You're too empathetic to be a real proxy." Masky murmured.

"Well, I'll be as *tic* empathetic as I want if I'm not supposed to kill her yet. Also, she d-didn't do anything wrong as f-far as I know so why not have empathy for her?" Replied Toby in a bit of an upbeat tone of voice.

"Tim, I think you should just ignore her. We aren't really supposed to do anything except to make sure she doesn't run away." Hoodie murmured to Masky as he pulled Masky away from me.

After a while they didn't answer my questions so I just shut my mouth and kept Toby's jacket over my shoulders since it was cold but since my hands were tied together I couldn't exactly properly keep the jacket on my shoulders so Toby would sometimes help.




It's been a good half an hour. The way was long, cold, foggy, silent... too silent... the place was like time was stopped in this part of the woods. we arrived at an abandoned looking mansion that was painted a charcoal black and the wood seemed  old and the windows seemed dirty and dusty from the inside.

"That's an ugly looking h-" before I could finish my sentence my mouth was shut by Hoodie's hand.

"Don't insult Slenderman's mansion! this is where all of us live." Hoodie murmured the red circles that acted like eyes for the mask seemed to be looking into my soul.

"Not just us, many more than just us." Muttered Masky.

"There's more of you!?" I exclaimed.

"Y-yes, more creeps. More freaks. Freaks like us..." Whispered Toby.

"Damn, that's deep." I said as my curious gaze met the house one last time before all three of them walked in with Toby still carrying me over his shoulder.

(411 sorry for the short chapter but I hope you still like it. OwO)

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