Chapter Five: Dinner Time

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(Okay so I remember most of the back stories and reread clockwork's back story since that's the only backstory I can't remember and also Nurse Ann's back story and I kinda think Clockwork is a bit of a psycho so maybe I'll add that in her character. anyways enjoy.)

Tic, toc, tic, toc...

That's all my ears could hear in this quiet plain room. I looked up at the clock and it was seven, it was time for dinner. I got up from the bed and started to walk towards the door and down the hall. The hall was quiet and my footsteps echoed through the halls. That was before I saw a strange looking guy come out of a room. His face was covered by a blue mask and black tears ran down the mask, his brunette hair peaking from underneath the black hoodie and he seemed strange.

"what the hell is that?" I murmured but quickly shut my mouth when it looked at me.

"Who's that?" It Asked.

"I'm Y/N, and you?" I replied as I took a step closer to it.

"I'm Eyeless Jack, just call me EJ for short." EJ said as he used the walls to guide him downstairs.

"Wait are you blind?" I asked as I saw him using the wall.

"Yes, I am. my name is Eyeless Jack so you should have already assumed." replied EJ

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I can guide you if you want." I offered as I got closer.

"No, it's fine. I know where I'm going." Said EJ as he started walking down stairs.

I simply shrugged and followed him towards a large room with a dinner table. The dinner table had different dishes and one of them had... a kidney and human flesh along with other different dishes.

"What's for dinner?" Asked the guy I saw playing video games who won which was Ben, I think? He seemed whiny but maybe I'm just judging too fast

"The same like always." Said Masky as he sat down on the table.

Hoodie walked in and sat down next to Masky and lifted his mask slightly leaving it resting on the bridge of his nose.

"Why's there an extra chair?" Asked the green eyed girl as she sat down next to the chair at the end of the table.

"Shut up, Sally! nobody cares!" shouted the guy I assumed was Jeff.

"Hey! Don't be mean to her!" Said Jane as she put a knife to Jeff's neck.

"No killing at the dinner table!" Shouted Masky as he stood up from his chair.

Hoodie shook his head no and pulled him down back onto his seat.

"Yeah let's kill him!" Said a guy with a stitched up smile with a black and blue striped scarf around his neck as he pulled out a knife himself and put it against Jeff's heart.

"Liu, my brother we can talk about this!" exclaim Jeff.

Wow, this Jeff guy is hated left and right it seems by Jane and this guy Liu. Maybe something happened I don't know.

"Hey! don't kill him!" said a high pitched voice as a girl with a ponytail and purple hoodie pulled Jeff away.

"Don't touch me, bitch!" shouted Jeff as he pushed this girl away but she seemed not to care and stood back up with a smile on her face or that scar she had made her seem like she was smiling.

"Nina, your life shouldn't be around a man, especially a man like Jeff." Said a gorgeous tall woman with red hair and dressed in a black nurse uniform with long black gloves and a mask covering her face.

"Shut up, Ann!" murmured this Nina girl as she sat down on the table.

"Everyone, sit down! he's coming!" Announced a blonde haired guy with sharp teeth. (by the way this is Freddy the Butcher, he's not a popular creepypasta I am assuming but I really like his story so I added him.)

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