I'm gonna answer questions, if you have any more just comment them on this chapter :D
Favorite artist: idk if you meant music or drawing so ill answer both :)
music: Girl in Red, Green Day, MCR, Katy Perry, Conan Gray. I CAN'T JUST PICK ONE I'M SORRY
drawing: gracefullydying (youtube) and jaqxxoxo (also youtube)Favorite show: The Music Freaks, Heartstopper, Hermitcraft (yes ik its cringe idc)
POLITICS?!?!?!?!?!?!?: my parents are republicans and i kind of think like a republican too but im not a straight homophobic mofo so idk if i actually qualify as a republican (im joking/being sarcastic but you get the point)
MORE POLITICS?!?!?!?!? (Camosgnd): I've actually never heard of this drama before but I'll look into it and see...