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Coming from a former middle schooler (Wyn, Milli, feel free to comment more stuff)

-Don't worry too much about other people
I know it's easier said than done, but once you stop worrying about what people think about you, you'll feel a lot better about yourself.

-Be nice to everyone, even if they're rude to you
I get that drama exists, and being able to talk smack is always good, but if you're nice to people, they will start to either feel bad for hurting you, or be nice in return, or both! Some examples of this are holding the door open for people and saying thank you to people if they do for you.

-Watch your grades
Try to keep your grades at least a B. I understand that classes may be difficult, especially if you have ADHD, but keeping a B or higher average is good. If you get a D in a class in your first semester, you have to get a B to pass, so be careful!

-Some teachers suck, but keeping your temper is important.
If a teacher pisses you off, the best thing you can do is to be polite and try to participate in class so you get on their good side. This does NOT mean being a teacher's pet, but try to raise your hand a couple times each class.

-Find study habits now, don't wait until later.
Especially if you're in middle school, you will need those in high school! And high school, in college. Find what study techniques work for you sooner rather than later. If you don't want to go to college, having good motivation techniques will still help you in your career.

I'll add to this if I think of anything else!

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