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Chapter 2:


Unknown Lands 1224

I tightened my grip on Paolo as we broke through the clouds. He has always been a calm dragon even as a hatchling. Paolo's red scales perked up as we neared the elevation climax.

"Ready boy" I whispered.

I drove my foot into the saddle sending Paolo downwards through the clouds.

'Wooooo" I screamed, feeling the wind hit my face.

Now this is what riding a dragon feels like. The rough winds slapped my face as I neared the ground. Grabbing onto the reins I pulled up so we were now gliding over the grassy lands. The full moon lit up the valley just enough for a midnight ride.

"Going to bed my ass" a familiar voice echoes from behind me. I close my eyes as a smile creeps onto my face.

"Don't act like you weren't going to ride tonight as well" I shout back, not even bothering to look behind me.


My brother always gives me a hard time about leaving so late at night. Something about dragon hunters trying to catch and skin Paolo.

"I'm not trying to restrain your freedom" he replies, this time his voice closer " I just want you to be aware and maybe consider bringing a sword next time you ride"

My eyes are still closed as I feel Rayne's dragon descend to fly right next to mine. I crack an eye open "I doubt bringing a sword would ease your worrying, busybody"

This causes Rayne to smile and shake his head in laughter.

"Sigal looks so excited to be getting out so late as well" I reply, noting how his dragon looked on the verge of sleep.

Sigal is a Khreya dragon which means she has the power of obscene camouflage. This means her wings are longer and skinnier, making her very narrow-boned. Unlike Paolo, Sigal is a striking violet color. The moonlight reflects off of her scales causing them to shimmer. Paolo on the other hand is a Vectra dragon, he specializes in fire-breathing. Paolo is two times the size of Sigal; it's almost funny to see the two of them together. They are always messing with each other, just like siblings.

As if on cue, Paolo huffs a cloud of smoke on Sigal causing her to wake up and snort aggressively.

"Is that a sign that I should get going?" Rayne questions as our dragons begin to nip at each other "I would say " race you home", but Sigal doesn't seem in the mood"

"You are just afraid of losing" I retort.

"Tell yourself that" Rayne smiles as he grasps his reins and pulls up hard, causing his dragon to ascend and speed up, sending a massive gust of wind towards us.

"He's an idiot" I mutter at his retreating figure, Paolo huffs in reply.

Driving my foot into the side of Paolo, he begins to slow down enough for me to release the reins and wrap my arms around his neck. Paolo isn't just a dragon, he is my closest companion. I close my eyes against his scales, breathing in his firey scent.

"Let's go home bud" I whisper, gently taking his reins back into my hands and guiding us home.

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