unexpected romance

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Simon was an openly gay person and always happy, wille on the other hand was a crown prince, still not sure of his sexuality but engaged to Felice, his fiancée, their paths crossed on a random Saturday morning when Simon was working in a café, crown prince Wilhelm walked in together with his bodyguard Malin to order his usual coffee, though today his normal server wasn't there, there was a young darker-toned boy with black curls behind the bar. Wille walks up to the boy together with malin, and the young bar tender, Simon looked up with a sweet smile 'hello you must be crown prince Wilhelm', simon said. wilhelm nodded,' indeed that is me' he answers 'Jonas has told me how you come here weekly around the same time on Saturday morning and order the pumpkin spice late', simon answers, wille starts laughing a bit, 'that is indeed true, impressive how you remember', says wille, 'how can I forget the crown prince's usual', simon now laughs along while saying that again with the kind smile that can brighten everyone's day...'am I falling for him?' wille thought to himself 'No I must not I am the crown prince and engaged to felice', he thinks then answers simon 'true you must not forget my order and please it's wille or wilhelm', wille says still smiling 'okay wille, your usual?', simon asks 'yes please...?' wille answers still not knowing the young boy's name, 'simon', simon replies, 'then yes my usual please simon', he says, 'I'll bring your order to your table when it's done wille' , simon says smiling, wille and malin walked to their table and sat down, around 5 minutes later simon walks over, 'here you go, enjoy' he says while passing wille his coffee, when malin wasn't looking simon passes wille a lolly pop with a smile, then walks back to the bar, wille takes the lolly pop and quickly put it away in his pocket before malin sees. the next week, Wille again orders his usual and simon again passes him a lolly pop with it, it began to become a usual thing for simon to pass him a lolly pop in secret together with his coffee, that repeats himself until one week where there was a message with the lolly pop that said 'wanna hang out sometime?', wille looks back up at simon, that's behind the bar and nods, simon nods back. the next week, simon again writes him a message with the lolly pop, this time with his phone number, 'call me +01.........' wille gets out his phone and adds his number to his phone, the next day wille is at home with his fiancée, when simon sent him a message 'hej, hur mår du?', it reads, 'bra, och du?', wille replies, 'bra bra, tack, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the lake with me this afternoon?', simon sends, 'yeah tell me the time I'll be there', wille replies '2pm local lake near the entrance of the woods', simon sends back. Later that day at 2pm simon awaits wille near the entrance of the woods, wille arrives 2 minutes later, he steps out of the limousine and tells Malin to stay in the limousine, he walks towards simon 'hej' they say both at the same time, then both started laughing, then they both say 'hur mår du?' again at the same time then wille says 'stop copying me, copy cat', while laughing, also teasing simon a bit, simon then teases back by saying 'you copy me yk...' wille then puts on a fake shocked face and puts his hand on his chest with a gasp 'how dare you insult the crown prince' he says while holding in his laughter, 'aw can baby prince not handle the truth' simon continues to tease wille laughing a lot this moment, and wille knew it then, 'im falling for him I know I shouldn't but I am' he thinks to himself little did he know simon felt the same way, or did he?

Simon then asks wille, 'do you like those lolly pops I give you?', wich wille answers 'yeah' the hanging-out and getting lolly pops go on for another month until they get invited to a party, it started at 7pm, wille went to pick up simon, it was now around 1am and wille & simon were both drunk, wille then says,' wanna, t or d,' not forming words correctly anymore due to his drunk state and mind, simon then nods and wille says,' t or d?' simon answers 'd' to wich wille says 'I dare you...to kiss me', clearly not thinking about his answer because of the alcohol in his system, simon also being out of it kisses wille, 1 kiss turns into 2, 2 into a make out session and a make out session soon into the bedroom, the next morning simon wakes up with a major head-ach and in a unfamiliar room but that wasn't the worse he was naked in the unknown bed with his clothes on the floor, but also with clothes that aren't his, he then realises 'THOSE ARE WILLE'S CLOTHES!' he then sits up and looks next to him and spots wille, also naked in the bed 'no, no, no..this can't be happening' simon thinks to himself he gets up and changes into his clothes to get out before wille wakes up, but before he could leave the room wille groans and opens his eyes. 'shit' simon thought and turns around to face wille, 'wtf happened?', wille says in a morning voice also with a major head-ach, 'we..we were drunk and probably fucked..' simon then says little did he know from then it will become really akward, wille change into his clothes and wille said 'its best if you leave...' to wich simon replies,' oh...okay...' he then walks out, the next Saturday simon brought his coffee but without the lolly pop and not even looking at wille, Malin then asks 'everything okay between you two? You guys seem off today?', to wich wille replies, 'fine.', the newt few days wille didn't hear from simon anymore, no messages, no calls, no lolly pops, not even a quick look, nothing, it was like simon was avoiding wille completely, well it was kind of wille his fault for kicking him out after their...night...though wille had enough of it and decided next Saturday he'll talk to simon. Next Saturday comes and wille walks into the café in all surprise Jonas was back...but no sighn of simon, wille rushes over to the bar and asks 'Jonas do you know where simon is?', to wich he replied 'yeah he's moving away for his studies in America, he should be on his way to the airport or already there, why'd you ask?', wille just looks down and thinks 'I've lost him..I've lost him forever' then he suddenly looks back up and spots the lolly pops he grabs one pays for it and runs to the limousine and tells malin to go to the airport as fast as possible on his way there he tried calling simon 'you've reached the voice mail of simon Eriksson please try again later', wille was starting to lose all hope he had left, 20 minutes later he arrives at the airport, he walks in and sees the plain to America is boarding, he runs to the gate and there he is, wearing his purple hoodie, 'simon!' wille yells out and rusn towards him, to all his surprise simon turns around and sees wille,' wille...w..what are you doing here?' simon asks his voice a bit shaky from his emotions of seeing wille again, 'it wasn't fake', wille says and simon looks at him confused,' us that drunk night..it wasn't fake' wille then says to wich simon answers 'you're engaged wille...' and wille answers, 'but Im NOT inlove with her', simon then looks up and meets his eyes, 'inlove?' wille then answers 'simon I broke it off with felice I cancelled the wedding, my heart belongs to someone else, that someone else..is you simon,' simon then looks at him with teary eyes, 'do you...are you serious?' simon asks to wich wille answers 'do you remember the lolly pops?' wille says and takes out the lolly pop he bought before rushing to the airport then passes it to simon, simon takes it but this time with a message from wille, 'I love you simon, it wasn't fake...I wanna be with you', simon reads the message and runs up towards wille and wraps his arms around him with happy tears forming in his eyes, 'I love you too wille...I love you' he then kisses wille it was a loving kiss, unfortunately 1 minute later they have to break the kiss because his flight is about to board.. they both look at eachother with sad teary eyes, 'guess this is our goodbye?' simon says to wich wille replies,' no. this is only our beginning' simon then gets on the plain and flies to America to do his studies. Though they called every night wille still missed simon, his touch, his hugs, his warmth, his kisses, everything about him, simon promised wille he'll be home in no time. this was only their beginning.

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