A catastrophe.

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A/N: B͟͟E͟͟F͟͟O͟͟R͟͟E͟͟ Y͟͟O͟͟U͟͟ R͟͟E͟͟A͟͟D͟͟ I just wanted to introduce myself. Yo. Name is uhhh call me Joy. First time writing a lil sumthin sumthin. I'm writing for gits and shiggles since I've recently got into fanfic plus I've got nothing better to do during my free time. This fanfic WILL HAVE SMUT. But not until later on. I got juicy ideas too >;). Also warning. This chap will include swearing and violence.

Title art by Raygii.

"Ready your weapons cadets! Today's training will be hardened due to your lack of skill and performance you've showed to us in yesterday's training session." A horde force captain nagged the 3 miserable conditioned cadets who were standing in parade rest, to what it seemed like forever. What the hell did they do wrong to deserve this? They've been working hard all damn week! Of course they're going to show a decrease in performance. Damn shadow weaver. There has been rumors going around that Hordak has something BIG planned to crush the rebel princesses. So, the team has been going in and out of the horde, has been stocking up on supplies, carrying boxes all day and sometimes nights, little food, little rest, AND NO BREAKS.

While the force captian continued to nag and spit at the cadet's faces, Lonnie, a tan girl with dreads and green eyes nudged Kyle with her elbow whispering "This is all your fault Kyle!" Kyle, a scrawny boy with dirty blonde hair looked at Lonnie at the corner of his eye with a shocked expression written on his face. "W-What did I do?! You're the one who-"

"CADET KYLE! You've got some nerve talking in parade rest. And while I'm talking? This behavior will definitely be reported to both hordak AND shadow weaver"

The poor cadet realized he spoke waaaay too loud. He sighed and went back to parade rest, giving Lonnie a low growl. His other teammate, Rogelio, a tall green humanoid lizard, sneakily but gently patted Kyle's back with his scaly tail in reassurance.

"Now fall out and get into your positions. Be aware that if you fail to show progress in your training, you will be punished with no access to the special commissary for a week." They all held their breaths and widened their eyes. This DEFINITELY scared the cadets knowing that Horde food was absolutely terrible. They serve usually the same 7 meals. Nothing different. Their favorite food at the commissary was the grey ration bars. Now those, were to die for.

The 3 young cadets got ready. Checking up on one another seeing if everyone was in proper shape to put up with what's about to come. They all were absolutely exhausted. They didn't even know how they were still standing.

'This place sucks' Lonnie thought. Letting out a big sigh, but focused her attention to the 5 giant oncoming fighting bots that deployed, surrounding them all.

"Wait....WHERES CATRA?" The frustrated tan girl said.

"No time to think about that Lonnie. There's a big heading straight towards you!" Kyle says while cowardly holding his fighting staff.

The 3 teammates attacked. Rojelio quickly slid underneath one bot, jabbing his fighting staff right into what it seemed to be the stomach. Kyle helped him. Lonnie quickly jumped onto another bot's head and jabbed her staff right at the side of the bot. Causing it to malfunction and secrete a very smelly smoke. The cadets were used to it though since they've fought these things since they were tots.

"ROJELIO BEHIND YOU" Kyle shrieked at his scaly teammate who was focusing on taking down the next training bot. The 4th bot was going straight for the two boys! Lonnie couldn't help because she had the 5th bot and the 1st one on her ass. The team was in a horrible situation at the moment.

"Graaawhhhh rhhaarrgghh" the lizard returned. No one really understands what he saying but Kyle took it as a thank you.

'Ohhhhh goodbye lovely grey ration bars' Kyle thought while hopelessly trying to fight off the bot.

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