Flash from the past.

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Haiii:3 chapter art by Tikitorchies on Insta. Not mine not mine.

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The sounds of little feet pitter pattering filled the empty halls, followed along with the cheerful laughter of children.

"Catra oh my gosh! We are gonna be in sooooo much trouble" a mysterious little girl hung on to the young and wild little feline.

'Huh?' Catra began to think. She found herself in the body of her younger self. Living out a childhood memory. 'Is this a dream? I'm...little again. Oh no.'

"Pfft did you SEE how MAD Octavia was? This is gonna be so good." Young Catra said with a mischievous smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Well..." the mysterious girl started, "did you get it?"

Young Catra held up something green and shiny. A badge it seemed like. With the horde symbol on it. Both of the girls' eyes lit up. Then looked at eachother. Both smiling and giggling. They then realized that they were in a pretty bad hiding spot so both of them scurried and squished under a few empty boxes.

Catra held the badge up to her shirt. "OH LOOK AT ME IM FORCE CAPTIAN! YOU THERE! GET YOUR LAZY BUM UP AND DO SOMETHING. and YOU. GO AND FETCH ME A SODA OR SOMETHING CUZ IM TOOOOO LAZY TO GET IT MYSELF AND AND-" she stopped, lost her character and started giggling uncontrollably. The other girl collapsed half way out of the box on how hard she was laughing. This mocking was just too good in their eyes. Pretty much spot on.

Catra continued mocking the bossy force captains until suddenly, a shadowy figure yanked her out of the box by her foot, hanging her in the air.

Shadow weaver.

"What... do you think you're doing to my star pupil you good-for-nothing STRAY?"

The young feline didn't say anything, she was paralyzed with fear. Shadow weaver was absolutely terrifying to Catra. Her long, black flowing hair that reminded Catra of snakes. Her raspy voice that would constantly belittle the poor feline all day everyday, her long red dress with ragged ends like tentacles.


Catra's mysterious friend quickly jumped in between them. Her arms open wide trying to look as intimidating as possible.

"SHADOW WEAVER WAIT!" She said. The room grew quiet for a moment.

"I was also in on this. Please don't punish just Catra. Punish me instead. If anything, I also dragged her along." The girl said desperately trying to save her best friend from shadow weavers wrath. She knew that woman was way too harsh on Catra. Too harsh. She wanted to be there for her.

"My innocent child." Shadow weaver said while fixing the girls hair. "We both know that isn't true." The wicked woman winced at Catra, who was still in the air.

"Now. I think it's time to pack your things. You will be moved to the west side of the horde." Shadow weaver said, letting go of Catra mid air. She fell straight on her head with a loud yelp. Then the tears of rage came. the young feline sprinted towards Shadow weaver, who had Catra's friend in her arms, kicking and screaming as much as she could, giving it her all. "PUT ME DOWN! NO! I DONT WANT TO LEAVE NO PLEASE!" The girl begged, bawling her eyes out, reaching for her best friend.

"NO! I WONT LET YOU TAKE HER PLEASE! PLEASE PLEASE GIVE HER BACK TO ME!" Catra's knees became weak, and she fell on the floor defeated.



Catra woke up with a loud gasp, tears in her eyes, and shaking like a scared dog(or cat). She stood up looking around, trying to ground herself from that very uncomfortable and vivid dream.

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