🖥️A-Love: A-60 x A-120 (Fluff)🖥️

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A-60 is Female
A-120 is Male

Ah, the office rooms. A monotone place where walls are gray, the carpet is blue and fluffy, and buzzing lights. There, four beings live in harmony, keeping company to themselves in this boring yet gigantic place.

The thousand rooms might take a long time to walk through, but for the entities, it isn't such thing. The A-'s are very deadly, but they're very friendly with themselves.

"Yeah. I ran out of ideas of what to do." A-90 said, looking at the ceiling, bored. "You're not the only one, 90." A-60 said, trying to turn one of the office computers on to see if they can entertain the entities in some way.

"Give up, 60. You won't turn these on." A-90 said, trying to make A-60 stop. "You know very well I'm not giving up. There must be one of these that can work, and I won't stop!" A-60 blurted out, still trying to turn on the computer.

"Don't listen to him, 60. Keep on trying." A-120 said, leaning against the wall. "Have it your way then. Don't come crying to me after you find out none of these work." A-90 said, teleporting out of the room.

"Such a party pooper." A-60 said, still trying to turn on the computer. "Couldn't agree more." A-120 agreed, stepping closer to A-60 and the computer.

"Maybe we can try the other computers in the rooms ahead?" A-120 suggested, raising an eyebrow. "Sure, why not?" A-60 agreed, heading towards the next room.

"Hey, wait for me!" A-120 said, catching up. "Oop. Sorry!" A-60 said, slowing her speed down. "Why do you gotta be so damn fast? I don't see why the rush." A-120 commented, walking alongside A-60. "I have adrenaline in my blood. Sorry for that. I'm trying to slow myself down when it comes to talking with you guys." A-60 said, facing forward.

"It's nice that you're working on it." A-120 said, putting a comforting hand on A-60's shoulder. "Heh, thanks, bud." A-60 replied, looking at A-120.

They've been very close recently, they do a lot of stuff together, and they always keep company to each other. "Huh, another one. Let's give it a try." A-120 said, pointing his finger at a computer in the corner of the room.

"Sure why not?" A-60 agreed, sitting in front of the computer, trying to turn it on a few seconds later.

"... Yeah that's another one down the drain." A-60 said, frowning her face. "Hey, it's alright. You still have my company." A-120 reassured, putting a comforting hand on A-60's shoulder once more.

"... Thanks for worrying about me, 20. Really." A-60 said, getting up from the chair and facing A-120. "No problem. I'd do it for free." A-120 said, giving A-60 a reassuring smile.

"You'd do it for free? But I ain't taxing you." A-60 said, nudging A-120 slightly. "I mean that I would worry about you everytime, dummy." A-120 replied, nudging A-60 back.

"Aww... That's so sweet of you." A-60 said playfully. "I'm just doing what my brain tells me to do." A-120 replied, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh really? Then what is your brain telling you to do now?" A-60 teasingly asked, taking a step closer to A-120. "Well, if you insist..." A-120 said, stepping closer to A-60 and hugging her. "Heh, very well then." A-60 said, hugging A-120 back.

They kept their embrace for quite some time, the world around them dissolving, and I guess you know what happens when this type of stuff happens...

(Author here, this last paragraph is a joke, sorry for breaking the 4th wall)

"Hey... 60. May I tell you something?" A-120 asked, letting go of A-60. "Yeah..? What is it?" A-60 answered, raising an eyebrow.

"... I've been feeling this feeling that makes me feel more attracted to you every time we talk, and part of me wants to spend more time with you..." A-120 confessed, his heart fluttering. "... So I guess I might have developed feelings for you..?" A-120 finished his sentence, avoiding eye contact with A-60.

"... I... I guess I can say I feel the same about you, 20..." A-60 said, looking to the side, but stepping closer to A-120 again. "... Then does this makes us a thing..?" A-120 asked, pondering.

"Well I dunno about y'all, but I guess you are." A voice said, and when A-60 and A-120 looked at the source of the commentary, they saw Curious Light leaning against the doorframe of the previous door.

"OH MY- CURIOUS! DON'T SHOW UP LIKE THAT!" A-60 screamed, facepalming herself. "For God sake, Curious." A-120 finished off, looking at Curious Light with a blank face.

"What? You know I'm not that much of a bad companion to be with." Curious Light shrugged, mocking them slightly.

"What we mean is that you should never hear a conversation between two people. That's kinda rude." A-120 commented, putting his hands in his pockets again.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Curious Light said, disappearimg into thin air. "When will that Yellow flying thing stop?" A-120 spoke to himself, looking at the door, that magically closed.

"I dunno, but I guess we're alone again." A-60 said, hugging A-120 from behind. "Yeah... I guess so." A-120 replied, patting A-60's head, then hugging her back.

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