😖Going Insane: A-60 x A-120 (Angst)😖

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A-60 is Female
A-120 is Male

The rooms is a tedious and quiet place, there's nothing to do much in there, and even the entities get bored when there isn't a human there for them to kill.

The A-'s are reaching a breaking point, but two of them are still sane, but that cannot be said about A-120, who is going insane each second that passes by.

Although his appearance is just a happy smiley face, his mind and sanity are slowly deteriorating, and even when a human shows up in the rooms, he'll won't even move a muscle, because his depression hit him seriously.

His friends have been trying to make him feel better, but it hasn't shown any sign of success, since he's still having a rough time both mentally and socially, because he doesn't start conversations with anyone.

Even his best friend, A-60 cannot help him enough. She's been trying all types of maneuvers to help him, but A-120 just won't budge.

Even Curious Light, who isn't that very friendly with the A-'s, is worried about him. He never really cared about anyone, but now that he saw their office mates lose their minds, he now rethought his actions and is now more actively speaking with them, but with A-120 no progress has been made.

It has been completed two months ever since A-120 has shown his first signs of insanity: hostility and anger are his most noticeable ones.

A-60 has also been going insane over the past weeks, but she controls her insanity (somehow) by shifting into one of her other forms. No wonder why her middle and last name are "Multi-Monster".

A-90... Well A-90 is the one with the most anger issues of them all, but he only outbursts when humans are present.

They might be angry with humans, sure. But with the entities they're really chill, and they're the most sane out of them all combined. He might've lost his mind a few times, but nothing too serious.

But what's interesting about them all, is the fact that A-60 is the only entity A-120 isn't as hostile, because both of them are best friends ever since they met.

"Hey... 20? May I speak to you..?" A-60 quietly asked, knocking on the A-120 door, since the entities' rooms are where their door numbers are.

"Y-Yes..." A-60 heard a faint voice say from inside the room, and she entered door A-120 to see her best friend curled like a ball against the corner of the room, probably sobbing for the 3rd time today.

"Crying again?" A-60 worryingly speakers, slowly entering A-120's room.

"What do you t-think?" A-120 muttered, his voice shaky.

"Sigh, Listen, 20. I don't want to lose my best friend. Please consider my advices, Smiley." A-60 spoke up, sitting beside A-120, and slowly starting to tear up.

"If I lose you, I won't be able to live peacefully here." A-60 finished, fighting against her tears before they roll down her face.


A-120 was considering suicide for a few days, and he's been caught a few times by A-60 when he was preparing a few computer cables on the roof; probably to hang himself.

A-60 managed to stop him on time by snatching the cables from him with her very fast speed, but he always found more computers the further he walked along the office.

"Listen, Smiley... I know you think suicide is the best way out of this hell, but... We belong here... And I just cannot withstand losing someone I like and care about..." A-60 cried, letting her tears roll down here face.

"If I lose you... I don't k-know if I'll be able to live... You matter to me... I care about you because... Because I don't like you... I... I love you, 20..." A-60 let her brain take full control of her actions and she broke down in tears, hugging A-120 tightly.

A-120 was left speechless, and that was enough to make him rethink his path. He did like A-60 the most out of the other entities indeed, but he never felt the right to speak to her about it.

"I... I like you too, 60..." A-120 muttered, slowly hugging A-60 back.

Both of them kept their hug, A-60 had tears steamrolling down her face, as she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shhhh... Calm down, 60... I won't kill myself anymore..." A-120 reassured, looking at A-60 in the eyes, calming her down. Not too much, but a little.

"... You... W-Won't..?" A-60 shakily muttered, some tears still rolling down her face.

"I won't... I'll stay here... I don't like to see you suffer because of me... Because I do care about you as well..." A-120 sheepishly said, patting A-60's back, hugging her again.

A-60's heart fluttered, and she calmed herself down a bit more (again), this time hugging A-120 tighter, because she would not let that moment between them end.

"May... May I ask you something..?" A-60 asked, when she was calmed down enough, thanks to A-120 warm embrace.

"Go ahead..." A-120 replied, eager to hear A-60's request.

"May... May I spend the rest of the day with you..? I want to reassure myself that you won't harm yourself anymore..." A-60 mourned, looking to the side in embarrassment.

"I won't stop you... If you want, you can even sleep with me if you want..." A-120 replied, his cheeks becoming slightly red at the idea of both of them sharing a bed.

"You... You're really up for that..?" A-60 asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

"Of course, sweetie." A-120 whispered, kissing A-60's forehead.

" A-120 whispered, kissing A-60's forehead

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