Chapter 8 ~ Wildfire

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               Being on a date with Kyle is different from spending time in Enzo’s world. He picked me up in a Subaru with dry mud splatters as if he had been off-roading in the Australian outback. Even his outfit is more relaxed with dark wash jeans and a nice button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He didn’t take me to a fancy place for steak but to grab sushi in the Sunset District, and I like how casual the date has been so far. Instead of wine, we drink Sapporo, and it's an open mic night. So, we’re getting a free show as local talent performs songs in a corner of the restaurant. 

Plus, Kyle is funny, even without trying to be, as he drops another piece of sushi while attempting to grab one with chopsticks. 

“It’s ok to use a fork,” I giggle.

“But then, I can’t impress you with my clumsy chopstick-holding skills.”

“Here…” I pluck a piece of sushi from the plate and reach across the table, offering it to him. 

The corner of Kyle’s mouth twitches with a smile as he leans in while looking me in the eyes. He encloses his lips around the sushi and slowly slides his mouth off the sticks, taking the bite with him. I clench my thighs together under the table. That was hot, and now I can’t stop staring at his lips. 

I miss kissing. 

I might even enjoy it more than sex. 

Perhaps I should refresh my foggy memory on what it’s like to kiss Kyle?

“Feel like walking on the beach after this to watch the sunset?” he asks.

“Yes. That sounds perfect.”

You’re perfect.” He smiles, and I dart his gaze, trying to hide how happy that makes me as I fuss with the chopsticks, but my heart is purring too much to conceal it. 

If he keeps this up, I might be in trouble. 

We wrap up dinner and head down the road to Ocean Beach to catch the last wink of sun before it crashes into the sea. For the entire drive, we chat nonstop about the series we’re watching and playfully argue about the epic cliffhanger from last season. So far, the date is delightfully easy. No fuss or rude, rich housewives—just me and a cute guy having a good time. 

Kyle takes my hand after we exit the car and helps me over a sand dune, his fingers wrapping my waist while easing me across. Waves slap the shore, and bonfire flames lick the air as college kids drink around them, trying to stay warm. It’s like we’ve stumbled upon a party we weren’t invited to, but Kyle doesn’t let that deter him. He scores a couple of spiked seltzers from someone, and off we go with our beverages in hand.

“Alright, Mr. Cameron. Tonight, you learned I used to dance for the San Francisco Ballet Company but now slum it at Penthouse—”

“You’re not slumming it,” he laughs.

“Well, it wasn’t an upgrade.” 

“Are you kidding? People sell their kidneys to get into that place, but you dance there every weekend and get paid to do it.”

I bite back a smile. “Anyway. What do you do for a living?”

“It’s boring, really.”

“Can’t be that boring.”

“No, it is. I manage our family’s chain of hotels…” He takes a gulp of seltzer. 

“Nice. What are they called?”

He takes another gulp. “The Bungalow Resorts and Boutiques.” 

I nearly choke.

Kyle’s family business isn’t just any hotel chain. They're a well-known luxury chain where people pay good money to vacation. The girls and I spent a few nights in one of their boutique hotels for a bachelorette party in Cabo. They're supposed to be more affordable, yet we still spent an arm and leg. 

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