Chapter 11 ~ A Gift

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             Enzo’s apartment isn’t just some loft. It’s a newer high-rise with a garage, a pool, a gym, a private park, and maid services. I know this because I’ve seen this building before, standing tall amongst old architecture like a glass tower, basking in the sun’s attention. I Googled it when Josh and I decided to move in together, but of course, the monthly cost was way out of our budget. 

We pull in front of the building, and Charlie keeps the engine ticking as we step out of the car and enter the lobby. My heels tap across the marble floor, my arm hooked through Enzo’s as he leads me past a reception desk and to the elevator. My heartbeats mimic each step I take, and I’m glad we’re not holding hands since my palms are too sweaty from being anxious.

I don’t know if I’m ready for whatever awaits in his loft.

The elevator doors close gently, and the numbers glow above them as we ascend and pass each level. The closer we get to the top, the faster my heart drums. Before I know it, the doors open and reveal the inside of Enzo’s loft, where evening moonlight spills past a wall of windows and casts blue shadows across the expensive furniture. 

“After you.” He motions.

Taking a quiet, deep breath, I step inside, and lights flicker above me. Enzo sets his keys on the entry table, and as he walks ahead, the living room illuminates to life, too.

Motion sensors. Fancy.

He goes to the wall of windows, his hands in his pockets as he admires the view. “Come take a look.”

I go to him, and he claps his hands, which causes the lights to go out. I laugh, “A clapper? I thought that only existed in infomercials for old people.”

“I am old.”

“No, you’re not.”

He places his hand on my lower back and points at the cityscape that twinkles like rolling hills of stars and reflects off the marina, where the lights from the Bay Bridge pulse. 

“I like to stand here and drink my coffee in the morning. It puts me in a good mood,” Enzo says. “And at night, I have cognac to relax.”

“I bet it’s amazing to wake up to.”

“It is. However, this isn’t why I brought you here.” Stepping away, he says, “We’re going to the garage.”

“The garage?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He opens a small drawer in the entry table and pulls something out that he tucks into his pocket. “Let’s go.”

It doesn’t take long for the elevator to descend, yet I spend the entire time wondering what Enzo has up his sleeve—or rather, what’s in his pocket. He stares at the floor, his arms folded with a little smile on his lips. I stare at this profile, studying the faint lines around his eyes when he’s happy and the peppering of grey in his sideburns. Enzo is one of the most handsome men I’ve met. Even his presence is attractive. 

It’s the way he stands with perfect posture that makes his chest stick out, but not in a ridiculous way. Instead, it quietly says, you will notice me when I enter a room. It’s how he brushes his tattooed knuckles across his jawline when he’s in deep thought and stares into your eyes as if every word you say is something he needs to learn and commit to memory.

But mostly, it’s the way I feel safe around him. 

The elevator doors slide open, and Enzo places his hand on my back as we step out. It shouldn’t surprise me that each car we pass looks expensive, and I bet his is just as extravagant.

“Which one is yours?” I ask.

“This one.” He smiles at a silver Shelby Mustang. 

It looks like the one from the movie Gone in 60 Seconds with Nicolas Cage. My jaw drops as I run my fingertips across the hood.

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