warm Vanilla Chocolate swirl

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(This is Robin's birthday special @Lollipopbruh HAPPY BIRTHDAY<3)


*Genya was scrolling through his phone until he heard a knock on the door*

(No one pov)

Genya: "come in!"

*Muichiro stepped inside the room with a bunch of food in a bag*

Genya: "Woah! My love, what's with all that food you got there?"

Muichiro: "it's to celebrate!"

Genya: "celebrate?.. celebrate what exactly?"

Muichiro: "a friend's birthday! Sadly they couldn't arrive today but it's fine! Because I bought a cake for them and we could send it to their house!" (Lollipopbruh)

Genya: "Awe~ that's so thoughtful of you Mui...also cute outfit! So adorable!"

Muichiro: "Hm? Oh! This? You're such a charmer dude~"

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Muichiro: "Hm? Oh! This? You're such a charmer dude~"

*Muichiro takes off his scarf and jumper*

Muichiro: "the heaters are on so I'll take this off for now"

*Lays of the sofa*
Muichiro: "hey! You think I can take some photos of the food I bought before we dig in?"

Genya:" sure of cours-" *ZOO ZEE MAMA"

Genya:" sure of cours-" *ZOO ZEE MAMA"

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Muichiro: "Hm? Gen gen?"

Genya: "h-huh! Oh yeah!"

*Muichiro takes some photos of the food and pats the empty space on the sofa signaling Genya to sit down next to him*

Muichiro : "come sit down, We can go eat now!^_^"

Genya: YIPPI! >.<
*Genya opens a small box containing a petite strawberry vanilla cake inside*

Genya: "yum! Looks so tasty and cute!"

Genya: "yum! Looks so tasty and cute!"

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