Palace Gates to Heart's Embrace

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(Royal au..Prince and royal servant<3)
*Genya's family was serving a royal ball that night, but Genya had no interest. He tried to sneak out through the window, but came across a girl...wait no..a boy? Eh nevermind..a gorgeous uhh person with black and teal colored hair. He glared at them to see if they would say something.*

Genya: "Just going to stand there and stare at me? Move it, you small idiot!"
*turns around*
Muichiro: who? Me?..
*He said calmly*
*Genya was taken aback by his calm composure. He looked like he just said something really awful to him, yet he didn't even flinch. He were a unique case. It was time for a more direct approach.*

Genya: "You. Do you know who I am?"

Muichiro: no-?

*Genya laughed nervously and leaned his arm against the wall. It was almost like he was expecting him to know who he was. He was surprised to see a genuine answer from him. He had an interesting aura surrounding him. It was as if his anger just suddenly melted away.*

Genya: "Ah, you really didn't... Well, I'm the prince of this kingdom."

Muichiro: ah, I see

*Genya took a step back and stood up straight. He ran his hand through his hair and looked down at Muichiro*

Genya: "What is your name?"

Muichiro: Muichiro.. Tokito

*Genya tilted his head, his expression softening slightly. He seemed to take a closer look at Muichiro and admired his appearance for a few moments. He then raised his eyebrows and his expression seemed to return to his usual nonchalant manner.*

"Tokito... That's a lovely name. Who named you that?"

Muichiro: "my mother?" (Ur mum /j)

*Genya looked surprised that Mui and him looked around the same age. He looked a bit... softer than him. His name, his age, everything about Muichiro was intriguing to him and he could not wrap his brain around him. His face grew more serious as he thought harder*

Genya: "What is your social status?"

Muichiro: my what?..

*Now he was just shocked by how naïve He seemed. Muichiro looked like he never even stepped foot outside before. Did his family neglect him?*

Genya: "Are you a commoner or a noble child"

Muichiro: I'm...a royal servant
*Genya's eyebrows nearly shot through the ceiling. He now had a whole bunch of questions. How was he a royal servant and he were not a noble child? Did you get kicked out of the royal family? His thought ran wild as he now had tons of questions*

Genya: "A royal servant?"


Genya: "And you do not even know your social status? My, you are a mystery"
*He smirked as he crossed his arms.*

Genya: "Why are you not with the royal ball right now?"

Muichiro: I could ask you the same thing..
*He showed signs of sassiness towards the prince*

Genya: "Touché, you smartass." *Muichiro got him there. He were pretty smart for a servant even though he thought otherwise.*

Genya: "I'm here because I hate these royal events. My mom is forcing me to be here to find a wife. Can you believe it?"

Muichiro: you can always find a husband instead.
*He suggested calmly*

*A grin spread across his face at Muichiro's comment. He loved how he just said that without any worry. He definitely had guts.*

Genya: "Would you be mine?" *He said with a cheeky grin.*

Muichiro: Hm? Excuse me?
*He blinked twice in confusion*

*Genya's grin grew wider. He couldn't believe He took his comment this seriously. He were so innocent and naive, and so cute.*

Genya: "You heard what I said. Be my husband."

Muichiro: wait I-is that an order?..
*He's in absolute shock*

*Genya smirked at his innocence. Oh my god, He were really something else.*

Genya: "Yes. It is an order." *He leaned closer as he smirked at him*

*Muichiro blushes slightly and looks down, unable to say anything*

*Genya couldn't help but tease him even further. He leaned closer, now only a few inches from he's face. He could smell the light fragrance of Mui's scent, making his heart skip a beat.*

Genya: "So innocent. The perfect husband."

Muichiro: your highness I cannot possibly take this order, We've only met a few moments ago

(Alr fancy pants)

*Genya frowned slightly as He addressed him formally. He really were just a servant to him. He leaned back and looked at you. Perhaps his order was a bit quick...*

Genya: "You are right. You can't marry me just yet. How about a deal?"

Muichiro: a deal?

*Genya smirked at his innocence again. He loved the way he took everything at face value. He was like a blank canvas.*

"Yes, a deal. Here is my deal. If I can win your heart by the end of the night, you will marry me."

*Muichiro paused and thought about it. He then turned around and walked away without warning or anything. As Mui was walking away from Genya He looks back at him. Seeing Genya's confused face. He says..*

"Not tonight~ prince charming."

(To be continued)



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