"I don't understand."
"You know of the Conquest."
His words brought back her own words. "You mean the fanatics who've twisted the lord's reputation into nothing but something that gives them wealth? The group that refuses to follow his laws but forces everyone it can to swear allegiance to him? That Conquest?" Her mother's dying words echoed afterward. "The Conquest is where you belong!"
"Yes, but that wasn't what I meant. Why wouldn't Nijellian want me speaking to you just because you follow the Conquest?" Speaking her own question caused an answer to begin forming in her mind.
Romeni smiled. "Because the Conquest's dangerous to him. We believe in truth, and we live by that truth." He paused before adding with emphasis, "The Conquest is real."
His words shattered everything she knew of the Conquest. The Conquest must be real if Nijellian doesn't want me talking with Prince Romeni. Then, a sudden thought entered her mind.
"How did my torque,"–her mind still cringed at the word–"know to not let me speak to you?" She knew it was an odd question, but she wanted to know.
He pulled back the collar of his doublet to lift a heavy chain from his neck. He set the chain over his doublet so she could see. It seemed simple at first glance, but, looking a little closer, she could see that its strands of gold had been masterfully woven together to form a thick, smooth chain. She smiled at the beauty of the ornament but was puzzled in regard to its significance.
"It's beautiful," was all she could say.
Romeni smiled and held up his right hand.
Suddenly, Serene felt weak as disbelief and horror flooded over her. The signet ring he wore matched his chain exactly!
"You mean, you wear a torque, too?"
With a gentle laugh, Romeni reached out to support Serene. "No, not at all. These were made by King Elyon himself and are a symbol of my devotion to him and the Conquest. These aren't mind-controlling at all." He stepped back when he found that Serene had regained her balance. "They only keep me from ever wearing anything that might be a torque. We call them 'Guards.'"
Serene looked from his hand down to hers which were ornamented with many rings. "Do you think I could be wearing several torques?"
Romeni shook his head. "I don't know. Nijellian is clever and has found ways to compromise almost everything. That's why all members of the Conquest only wear what King Elyon himself has given them. Since I only wear this one ring, there is no threat of me ever accidentally owning a torque."
Serene remembered the disdain she had felt toward Romeni when they first met and regretted how she had inwardly scorned him for his simple attire compared to the richness of the other princes she had met. Now, she felt simple and foolish before him. She, Lady of Iconia's army, had unknowingly worn a torque. Slipping her other rings from her fingers and dropping them into her pocket, she looked over to Romeni.
"How could a torque control me since I've sworn allegiance?"
"Just because you've joined the Alliance doesn't mean that you're immune to anything Nijellian does. He can penetrate almost anything except a pure life. It's only gotten more serious since Rieton's days. At least then, everyone knew when someone wore a torque. But now, many people wear one without even knowing, just because they're willing to wear whatever they want. They're concerned about how wealthy others believe they are, rather than being careful that they don't allow something evil to take over their minds. That's how Nijellian has been able to deceive so many. His main attacks are against those who have sworn allegiance, because, if he can convince them to unknowingly bear a torque, they can't serve King Elyon or participate in the Conquest."
The Call
काल्पनिक"You've been told many lies, but you know the truth. It's time you act on that truth." Lady Serene, the daughter of the lord of Iconia and one of the most powerful people in the kingdom, has everything at her fingertips. When calamity strikes and he...