Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Niall’s P.O.V.

“I won’t do it!” I shouted at my parents.

“Niall it’s your duty to the pack,” my father’s tone of voice was firm.

“I won’t mate with some stranger!” I yelled.

“Niall he’s no stranger. Zayn’s gone to your school for four years,” my mother said softly.

“Mum you don’t get it. Zayn’s popular! He’s hardly ever spoken two words to me! Can’t I just wait a little longer to find my true mate?” I begged. My parents wanted me to marry and mate with Zayn Malik, one of the most popular boys at my school. 

“Niall you will mate with him. It’s your duty. End of discussion. Now tomorrow you will invite Zayn over for dinner.” I tried to interject but my father gave me a look that made me shut my mouth. I groaned in frustration and stomped up to my room. I wanted to mate with my true mate. My soul mate, other half, love of my life! Not just some random person. I knew it was for the good of the pack but couldn’t we wait just a little longer?

No one ever really knows when their mate will come into their life. I was nineteen and my mate still hadn’t shown up yet. I sighed as I flopped onto my bed and buried my face into the pillow on my bed. I really hated being next in line as Alpha. Werewolves are supposed to be with their mates but you can mate with someone who isn’t your mate. I climbed to my feet and walked to the front door.

“Where are you going?” my mother asked.

“Out for a run,” I mumbled.

“Oh, well okay sweetie but be home before eight. There’s a pack meeting.”

“Just our pack?” I asked. I didn’t want to see Zayn yet. His pack neighbored ours and it would create an alliance if we mated. That was why my parents wanted us to mate so badly. Mating with him would create an alliance then the two packs would join forces. I knew that joining forces would be great for everyone but, why should I have to sacrifice my true love for the pack? Beacuse you're going to be Alpha. It's your responsbility to better the pack. That annoying little vocie in my head answered my question.

I groaned realizing the voice was right. I quickly pulled of my clothes and shifted into my large dirty blonde wolf form. I just needed to run and not think. Soon it was seven fifteen and I hurried back home. I quickly took a shower and dressed in a pair of sweats. No need to get all dressed up for another boring pack meeting. I tried styling my hair but finally just pulled a cap over it. I pulled on a pair of socks and laced up my sneakers.

“Niall let’s go honey!” Mum called.

“Coming,” I answered as I pulled on a jumper and made my way downstairs. The pack meeting was being held in our basement since we did live in the Alpha home. The beta lived close by. Mum made me carry snacks and refreshments down to the basement while she fussed about; making sure everything was spotless. By 8:03 every member of the pack was present in my living room.

 “I’m sure you’re all wondering what this meeting is about,” my father began. Didn’t they know? This meeting was pretty spur of the moment. Dad usually planned pack meetings weeks in advance.

“I’ve gotten a report that the Mystique pack has struck again,” My father said sadly. The Mystique pack were a vicious pack of werewolves who fought dirty and destroyed and conquered whole villages. They had already defeated three of the most powerful and respected packs. They had ruined families by forcing people into enslavement. They burned down homes and important buildings. It was awful really.

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