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-meeting the members for the first time-

Celeste wheeled her luggage and carried her duffel bag to the dorm. She was wearing a white tank top, black denim shorts and a black plaid jacket and a cap. She thought: i guess this is where i'm gonna be staying for the rest of my career life. This is it. Fighting, Celeste Yoo... She tried to heave her luggage up the stairs, but she was struggling. Just as she was about to continue, a cold-looking guy with silver blond hair, and downturned eyes and mouth walked towards her with his hands in his pockets.  He kindly asked, "you need help with this? wait a minute...are you the new member we're going to have?" Celeste replied while wiping her sweat, "yeah, i'm the new member. i'm Celeste! what is your name?" The guy answered with a light smile, "i'm Choi Seungcheol, aka your future leader of Seventeen! I'll help you with this!" She squeaked, "thanks!" Both of them then took the lift to their dorm level. The moment he opened the door, the both of them entered the room to several shocked faces staring at not him, but Celeste.

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There was a guy in spectacles, holding his phone and standing in a corner of the living room, not producing any sound

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There was a guy in spectacles, holding his phone and standing in a corner of the living room, not producing any sound. He seems unfriendly, she thought. S.Coups looked at her expression and said, "that's WonWoo, he's like this when he sees someone whom he doesn't know. Don't worry, I'm sure you two will become the best of friends!" She uncertainly replied, "thanks..."

S.Coups wheeled the luggage to his room.
S.Coups: "you'll stay in my room for these 2 weeks. We're still doing up your room so yeah, we'll share my room for now."
Celeste: "okay."

She grabbed her showering things and went to the bathroom to wash up. While showering, she couldn't stop thinking about the cold guy with spectacles, possibly WonWoo. He looked really cold towards her and he didn't even said anything to her.

15 minutes later, she got out of the bathroom wearing a pink oversized shirt and plaid pants. Mingyu, the tallest of the group, cooked something for the members, something that is not seafood-related, something that ironically, both Wonwoo and Celeste couldn't eat due to their seafood allergies.

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(Translation:Sunflower 🌻: look what I cooked!Celeste💙: is there any seafood in it?Celeste💙:I

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Sunflower 🌻: look what I cooked!
Celeste💙: is there any seafood in it?
Celeste💙:I...i'm allergic to seafood, except for oyster sauce
Wonwoo👓:hah, what a coincidence, I'm allergic to seafood too (rolling eye reaction)
Celeste💙: you...you you shut up...@Wonwoo👓
Sunflower 🌻: c'mon you guys, stop fighting... Celeste hasn't even been in here for not even a day and you both are already fighting...also, Wonwoo-yah, you're literally older than me, but you're still so childish, bullying the only girl in our group...(speechless reaction)
Wonwoo👓: sorry
Celeste💙: mianhaeyo Mingyu oppa
Sunflower 🌻: I hope you'll get along well together...
Old metal🐸:mr 9️⃣, why do you sound like the old folks back in our hometown??
Old metal🐸: so hard to say...
Old metal🐸: what a pain in the ass...
Seungcheol 🍒: yah Seo Myungho! I should be the one saying that line!
Seungcheol🍒: for goodness sake, I'm your leader!
Old Metal🐸: arraseo arraseo arraseo, sorry hyung )

That night, after dinner, Celeste was sitting on her bed scrolling through Instagram when she received a message from Wonwoo.

That night, after dinner, Celeste was sitting on her bed scrolling through Instagram when she received a message from Wonwoo

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Wonwoo👓: don't expect me to accept you, a girl, who hasn't even finished her school and waking on this path.
Celeste💙:don't worry, I'll be sure to prove you wrong. Also, I have graduated high school.)

<skip to 1️⃣ week later>
Celeste's news of joining the group hasn't been released yet, but many fans are already seeing her with them together. Soon, she made the headlines of Koreaboo news, Soompi news, and even on Dispatch as "unknown person seen with 3rd Gen boy group, fans speculate about the unknown person". She seen the news herself, and hence, decided to take matters into her own hands and reveal herself by persuading the agency to make the official announcement about her.

This is Pledis Entertainment.

We would like to inform you of the new member who would be joining the group for future activities starting from the beginning of May. Please do not be alarmed by the gender of the new member and please do not send hate or throw shade towards her. Thank you Carats for your kind understanding.

Thank you."

The moment the announcement was being made, the fans, also know as Carats, were not angry and furious, but excited as they finally have someone who could relate to all their worries and struggles, especially with girl matters.

#1:omg the new member is a girl?!!!! Guys we won!!!!
#2: she's so pretty goshhhhh
#3: heard that she's a mixed-blood idol?! That's very unique!
#4: heard that she has some AMAZING talent!!
#5: Fighting new member!!
#6: please yall, the new member has a name, and she's Celeste!
#7: carats, she's our younger sister and if we ever find out that you bully her, good luck to you!
#8:omg are they her brothers?!!! God they look so hot!!!
#9: all the best to Celeste!!
#10: we'll be your fandom!!! Please have a fandom name for yourself!!

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