Chapter 01~

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Let The Journey Begin.....



"You are old enough for marriage now" 

"Mom but I still have to be stable and what old huh? I am only 22"

"What stable? you earn 1.2 cr per annum. You have a decent job what else do you want? Speaking of your age, I was also married at 22"

"But mumma.."

" No Vrusha I don't want to hear anything, at least meet the person beta, then decide ok?"


 This conversation between me and my mom was roaming around in my head.
Like seriously I'm only 22 and she want me to get married. I don't even know who the guy is.

It's not like mom is going to tell me before meeting him because last time my mom arranged my date with a guy and told me about him so I just went to his home and threatened him not to come. That's it........ No! I will beat him as well.

So my mom is now forcing me.

Dad said that there is no problem in at least meeting, right?....... Who knows?

I'm furious like my elder sister Ananya is not married and no one is telling her to get married as well...... It's also because she is doing PHD in psychology so technically her education is not over yet.

Ugh! GODD help me!!

Well I'll meet the guy and reject him..... Maybe?

Well whatever!!

Focus Vrushu Focus

I convinced myself to focus on my office work otherwise it won't take a minute for the boss to fire me.




" Shubman try to understand it's for your own good. You also have to come back in your game someday right? Just listen to us this time. That girl is gone now leave her."

Dad said

Shahneel di added
" Papa is right Shub, she is now past your ex and don't let your x-factor bother you"

"But marriage is not the solution right?"
I said

" Maybe it is. The girl we choose for you is really good, her mother is my old friend and in fact I myself met the girl once in stadium during your match. She is your fan and I think she will be best for you"
Mom said

" Just meet her once and then decide ok? We won't pressurize you"
Dad said

" Ok"
I just nodded

I just can't believe that my parents are bent on getting me married with that girl. I don't even know her name or anything.

Whatever I don't even care, I'll just meet.

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