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It's been a week since the Gill's have returned from their trip to South Africa. And now they were back in their routine. 

They were just having a normal and peaceful life, meanwhile Sanya was fumming on the fact that the boy who was once crazy for her now don't even glance at her. 

Sanya marched towards her mother and slightly yelled
"Mom when are we getting our revenge?"

"Very soon darling I have plan"
Punya said

Sanya was a bit relived now
"What is it?"

"Vrushali, that witch, stole your ex-lover from you, and I know that this is the main thing that bugs you not that you are humiliated. We need to get revenge."
Punya said

"What are we gonna do?"
Sanya asked

"We can plant drugs in her car. The police will arrest her, and she'll be out of the picture."
Punya said

"But what if Shubman also gets caught in all these stuff?"
Sanya asked

"He won't I will make them frame it like she married him for money and this is her side business which got much better after marrying him"
Punya said

"But mom that's not right, it's illegal"
Sanya said

"Do you want your revenge or not?"
Punya asked

"Yes but..."
Sanya was interrupted by Punya
"Then let me handle this, and also she deserves it, she ruined your life, your only chance of marrying and settling with a rich and famous person who will keep you in limelight always."

"I don't know"
Sanya said getting scared

"Come on, Sanya. Do this for me. I'm your mother, I can't see you in this pain and moreover I can never see your Future getting ruined"
Punya said

"Okay, but we won't tell anyone, right? and no one will find out right?"
Sanya asked

"no one will, we will do it tonight"
Punya said

Unfortunately or say Fortunately, Tushar heard their conversation, he is a wise and noble man who knows no trick or politics he lives with love and gives everyone respect, this was the main thing about him that made him so popular, and successful. 

Tushar walks into the room where Sanya and Punya are sitting, overhearing their conversation, and asked
"What are you two plotting and against whom are you plotting? And don't lie to me otherwise I won't waste a second to call the police."

Punya and Sanya got startled hearing his voice. Both of them gulped the nervousness,

"N-nothing Tushar."
Punya said

"I heard everything. You're planning to frame Vrushali? Shubman's wife?"
Tushar said

"We... we were just angry.
Sanya spoke up

"Angry is no  excuse for breaking the law. Do you realize what you're doing?"
Tushar yelled

"What kind of a father are you, that girl with no standards just straight away humiliated our daughter and you are still stopping us from getting revenge?"
Punya scoffed

"This is all I can expect from you. I was right there when all of this happened and actually I enjoyed it not the humiliation of my daughter but the fact that a truly hard working person showed a truly workless person there position. Sanya we every time pampered you because you are our only kid and not to make you lazy and dependent. Tell me what of it was wrong? Hmm... Whatever that Vrushali girl said, was anything wrong? What would you do if I hadn't had this much money and I was just a normal middle class person?
Tushar said

Mrs. Gill | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now