my revenge and truth 1

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Time skip

After a few hours I was done, none of the 5 could do or say anything. Ginny had completely lost her mind after using the crucio curse on her even 2 times. Together it was only 15 minutes. But I've had my fun, it's time to finish it, but who first? That was the question. Then I thought why not from those who started the last to the first? "It's time to put an end to our last time together." Having said these words, they looked at me with hope. Looks like they thought I was letting them live, but that wouldn't be a good way to get rid of my anger. "Let's start with Ginny, she was the last one to come in and hurt me, so I'll show a little bit of mercy and finish her off first so she doesn't have to see the rest." with that I said the same spell that I had survived several times now" Avada Kedavra" I saw her body fall lifeless to the ground, I heard Molly screaming "you're a monster, how could my dear Ginny do this to this? She never did anything. It was only fair that we got money because my children went with you on such missions." I couldn't resist it anymore. "HAHA haha, guess I forced them to come with me or even wanted to go themselves. Haha, that's hilarious. They went along themselves, they could have said they didn't want to, but no. Well, Ron, since you were my first friend, I also give you a little bit of grace and I do you now. Avada Kedavra." And again a body fell to the ground. Hermione tried to break free. Not that it worked. Thus he sat there with a lifeless face, as if someone dear had died.

"What's the matter, Professor?" I asked without any emotion. He didn't answer. I chose to go farther. "Hermione, I've always hated your know-it-alls. I mean, you're not the smartest witch of our generation. But now, for all the times you chose to tell me you know better, it's time to show that it's not. Avada Kedavra". And just like that, there were only two left. "Well, which one of you goes first? Who has done the least to me? I think that was you, Molly. But let me say one more thing. You may have done the lesser of the two, but your betrayal hurt more, which is why I won't give you a quick death. Diffindo." And so she began to choke on her blood. After a minute or two, she too was lying lifeless on the ground. Which still left only Dumbledore.

What is Dumbledore hiding? And does Iris get to hear the truth about everything? Or will she go back without finding out everything?


I know my chapters aren't very long and I'm sorry about that, but I always try to start my next chapter before I upload another. and while I have a vision for where I want this story to go I don't know every detail and will leave this to time to see what fits best.

I also have the question where do you think is the best time to return to and why? let me know because I can't decide between Halloween night and when she gets her letter I see a lot of possibilities for both.

a different ending, pleaseWhere stories live. Discover now