end of the magical world?

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POV Iris

When I was back in the garden, Death and I were not alone. There was magic, time, and life there. And Death now stood next to her. Magic "Hello Iris, I'm so sorry about what you had to go through and that someone could do something like that.... Every one of those who hurt you will pay for it." Time "Now that the last of the 7 families is lost, magic in your world is lost. Within 2 generations they will lose their magic. Creatures will hide until a time that will never come." This made me look up. "what are they waiting for? And how will it never come to pass?" Death " a deal had been made. If all 7 families died out, so would magic. The Potter family was the last of the 7, in blood and name. The beings are waiting for magic to return but this will not happen without the 7 families." 'no that is not possible. There are so many who had nothing to do with it, they will also pay the price for the mistakes of just a few. If I let this happen, I am no better than those who did this to me.' "Can't I leave my family to someone? UK's magical world did this to me, the rest had nothing to do with it and shouldn't have to pay for something they didn't do." I said hoping they would listen. They looked at each other and Death spoke. "To whom would you leave the family?" For a moment I thought, 'Who is the best cleaner?' then I knew: 'Teddy, my godson. It is only fair that he has it, he has never done anything to me and with the right development he will be a great wizard." Life "okay, we'll give it to him. But who does he grow up with?" "Bill and Fleur would be great parents and ensure that Teddy knows both dark and light." Death "I will take Teddy to them." "Wait, can I write a letter? Explain why he is with them and what is going to happen. This way they can be ready." Magic "we will allow this" and paper was on the table. I immediately started writing.

'Bill and Fleur,

By the time you read this, I will be gone and I won't be coming back. But I want to ensure Teddy is safe, so I ask that you ensure he becomes a great wizard. I gave everything I had to him. he is the last Potter and therefore an important person.

I learned the truth from my family and with it the truth of the beginning of magic. I don't know if you know the story of the beginning, but I'm not going to say much about it. Only that my ancestors had made a deal if their family dies out so does magic. And while I think England has gone too far, I don't think the rest of the magical world should have to pay for their mistakes. So while England will lose their magic within 2 generations, the rest of the world will not.

I, therefore, ask that you go to another country, even if it is one of the houses that I allow Teddy to live there, you may also live there. I hope you will do this for me

With love and hope, Iris Dorea Lily Potter."

I fold my letter and give it to Death, he nods and disappears.

I'm not sure yet, but maybe I'll make a little side story out of this. Let me know if you want this or not. It won't happen right away, but maybe in the future. As always, I am already working on my next piece, just a few adjustments.

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