Chapter 1: The beginning

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Hey! Currently rewriting fanfiction. The first chapter isn't finished yet. there may not be sequences in the plot, since I did not reread the beginning very much. The first chapter, like the entire fanfic, is still in development, so I warn you, a draft of the first chapter can be cringe!

Tw: child death

Many years ago...

A dimly lit room. The sparse light barely flickered, casting long shadows over the exposed pipes and unfinished walls. Water dripped somewhere in the distance, the only sound breaking the thick, oppressive silence. A lone male figure stood amidst the gloom, his posture rigid, arms clasped behind his back.

"Freeze!" The shout of a police officer shattered the quiet, sharp and commanding. A flood of officers followed, their flashlights slicing through the darkness, illuminating the shadowy figure. They surrounded him, guns drawn, the tension thick in the air.

The lead officer, dark-skinned and unflinching, stepped forward, his handcuffs gleaming as the figure slowly raised his hands in surrender.

"You've got the wrong man." The figure's voice was low, almost a whisper, carrying a strange, sad weight to it. Yet beneath the sadness, there was a hint of something foreboding. "He's far more dangerous than you realize. He's played you all for fools."

"That's not your concern," the officer replied coldly, a sharpness in his voice as he tightened the cuffs around the man's wrists. The dismissal was practiced, automatic. "You're under arrest."

"The power will rise again," the figure muttered, his words dripping with a dark prophecy. "Once he restores the Butterfly Miraculous and seizes the other jewels... no one will be able to stop him."

The officer snorted, though his initial amusement seemed strained. "Afraid of your friend?" he replied, a slight edge of mockery. "You're nothing but a gang of delusional criminals, thinking you can change the world."

"I failed, Delbert... I know that now." The man's voice cracked with guilt, the weight of his words heavy. "This was his game from the start. I never saw it."

The officer's grip on the handcuffs faltered just slightly, almost imperceptibly, before he caught himself. "You're lucky," he said, regaining his hardened tone, though it seemed less sure. "You won't be in jail. House arrest is what you get."

"As long as he's free, the world will fall into ruin. Chaos is coming. Please... you have to stop him." Desperation laced the man's plea now, his eyes wide, almost frantic.

The officer glanced around, his resolve flickering as the man's words sank in. "We'll handle it," he said, though the conviction in his voice wavered. He placed a hand on the man's shoulder, not in comfort, but in an unspoken urge to quiet him.

Then, the sudden crack of a gunshot rang through the room, freezing everyone in place. The man in handcuffs flinched. The officers shifted, startled, their flashlights darting toward the source of the sound.

"I have two daughters!" the man in handcuffs cried out, panic breaking through his composure. "I don't want them to live in the world he'll create."

The officer's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing, though the confidence from earlier was fading. "I won't let that happen," he said, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his words now, as if the weight of the man's warnings had begun to take hold.

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