Hya's Information

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Name: Hya Evans

Status: Alive

Age: 15-23 years old (Trolls 1, Prequel)
43 years old (Current, Trolls Band Together)

Species: Human

Foreign: Filipino

Language(s): English(second language), Korean(fourth language), Japanese(third language), Tagalog(first language but isn't fluent due to speaking English as a teen)

Talents: Singing, Dancing (but was forced to stop doing them ever since she was forced to go back to the human world)

Hobbies: Scrapbooking (stops doing bc her arranged-husband keeps burning it bc it's "childish"), Cooking, Making Music, Writing (in secret so her arranged-husband wouldn't know)

Unknown Pop-Troll (Hya's Husband/Father of BroZone)
Rosiepuff (Mother-In-Law, Troll)
Amanda (Mother, Human)
Steve (Father, Human)
Ryan (Arranged Husband)
Branch (Youngest Son)
Floyd (Fourth-born Son)
John Dory (First-born Son)
Clay (Third-born Son)
Spruce/Bruce (Second-born Son)

King Peppy
Mr. Dinkles
Guy Diamond
King Gristle

Hya is the only child of her human family, the Evans Family, but her parents were abusive of her, and always forced her into things she didn't like, like arranged marriages, because she was too young for it, but her parents found a man for her to marry

At 13, she met a Pop-Troll when she went to a whole another world to even see, the Trolls World, and met a Pop Troll who is also 13 on the way, and they fell in love for each other at 14, no matter how different they are to each other, and she was so glad she can turn into a size of a troll during her time in the Trolls World

Although, after her parents finding out about it, they got mad and tried convincing her to leave her troll friend, but she refuses and decided to run away from them and lived with Rosiepuff and her troll friend

She was close with her boyfriend's mom, Rosiepuff, and she had John Dory, the first-born, at 16, Spruce/Bruce the second-born, at 17, Clay the third-born, at 18, Floyd the fourth born at 19, and Branch, the youngest, at 25.

She left Trolls World after few days when Branch was born and hatched from his egg when she was 25 and counted on her mother-in-law Rosiepuff to take care of them after her troll husband died and was forced to go back to the human world due to her parents that she hasn't made contact with, and after going back to the human world, she got remarried in a arranged marriage with her now-husband, who was also abusive towards her, and doing that, she thinks and felt like she was a bad mother for leaving her kids behind

Voice: She sometimes had slight high-pitched voice when she screams when she was shock, happy or excited, she has a slight-deep voice when she talks in both English and Tagalog, her laugh was sometimes sounded like a windshield laugh like Seokjin from BTS and Jimin's laugh when embarrassed or laughing about something funny

When she sings, she sometimes slightly imitates someone else's voice with her female version voice when someone does a high note or pitched with her inner voice and sometimes imitates the low pitched of female singers with her outer voice

But with many people singing or when she sings alone, she can sing in a normal pitched with her outer voice since she can't do the high note with her outer one and does it with her inner voice sometimes

(A/N: JK! I'm not gonna show it here, I'll just explain it, if you wanna see some images, check out my pfp and go to a story called "Hya In Trolls World?", and go to Chapter 3 and 4, but I'll change up her appearance of her clothing, but if you're lazy to even check it on your own, comment in the comment section if you want me to edit this and add some photos of what she looks like lol)

She looked and sounded very young-like teenager for her age, due to her fitness work and skincare, still had a huge glow up after her divorce with her ex-arranged husband and her escape from her abusive parents

She wears black tank top, and sometimes black t-shirt with wide neck that almost reveals her shoulders and her bra strap, which she does with her left shoulder as a design for fun, and wears grey Nike joggers and red and white shoes

She always kept her black long hair tied to a ponytail since she was used to having ponytail even before she had hair re-bonded when her bun hair was very thick and messy short-like hair (like me lol)

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