Chapter 4: It Takes Two

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Third Person's POV

Never gets old

No matter how much I'm told, I'm amazing

You're amazing~

"Oh, my kids loved these guys. We're a total Veneer household." Bruce said

"Uh, ya serious, Bruce?" Hya said

"They're the ones who took Floyd." John Dory said

"Ah... It's gonna be hard to separate the art from the artist." Bruce said when the announcer in the radio spoke

"That's Velvet and Veneer's spicy-hot new single "Watch Me Work." Catch them tomorrow night at the Rage Dome where they'll be receiving the Lifer Award. Lifer Award!"

Branch and Bruce looked at each other before Bruce turned off the radio

"Guys, will Floyd even make it through that show?" Branch asked

"Don't worry. We're gonna make it. We've been looking for clues to find Clay." Poppy said as they went and look at the clue board with John Dory, which was filled with magazine articles as to find Clay

"Oh, I'm sorry. The clue board? You mean the clue board? That I made? What, we like the clue board now?" Branch said

"What is he wearing?" Poppy asked, ignoring his question as she looked at the magazine article of Clay wearing his Funderdrawers

Hya turns around and saw what she was looking at

"Oh. Those are just his..."

Perfect, perfect, perfect!

This made both Branch and Hya realize and thought of something that could find Clay

"...Funderdrawers." They both said as Branch grab a hammer and uses it to smash the glass that contains Clay's Funderdrawers

Suddenly, stinky ghosts comes out and attacks Poppy, and John Dory

"Oh, gawd."

"Sweet John Dory, we have no idea why you saved these, it's incredibly disgusting." Hya said sarcastically, seeming a little disgusted by the smell though

"But we're glad you did." Branch added with a smirk

"What? They're memorabilia. But I will be good-gosh darned if I know how they're gonna help us find Clay." John Dory said

"Oh, you will know, sweet JD, trust us." Hya said with a smirk

~Time Skip~

After the reunion of Viva, Clay, Poppy, Hya and his brothers, Viva and Poppy were at upside-down ice cream cone house

Meanwhile Hya, she just stayed with her now-complete sons, just staying there at the background, spacing out and watching her sons, talking about what happened to Viva and the Putt-Putt Trolls that got separated from the Pop Trolls

She then slowly came up to them

"So... Clay, you're saying that... Viva was still sensitive about the night of the Bergen attack? And now that she's reunited with Poppy... she won't let her go back out there... would she...? Cuz she thinks it's still too dangerous to go out there with Bergens or any dangers roaming around...?" She asked quietly

Clay nodded in response

With that, Clay was now packing his things, preparing to leave with his brothers and mother to go to Mount Rageous to save Floyd

"...Okay, guys, if we're gonna save Floyd, we need to get going." Clay said

"I'll go get Poppy." Branch said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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