Chapter 2: BroZone Reunion, BroZone Reuniting With Hya!

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Third Person's POV

"Stop the wedding!" A voice shouts from up high

They all turn around and see a troll standing on the roof in a heroic pose. He's wearing a brown leather jacket and skiing goggles. It's very difficult to try and see more of his features when he's up there

"Uh, Bridget?" Gristle said with uncertainty

"Do you know that guy?"

"I don't remember all my suitors, Grissy." Bridget said

The mysterious troll slides down the rope and grabs onto one of the balloons. He lands on the ground just near the front of the stairs

"Sorry, is it bad timing?" He asked while taking off his goggles and brushing himself off

The human girl, Hya heard Branch gasped quietly, which gets her worried and confused

Hya turns her head towards the troll and immediately recognizes the goggles and the hair... that's her first-born son...

"I'm just trying to find a troll named--" The troll screams in surprise when his eyes lands on Branch

He runs over, shouting

"Baby Branch!"

And as soon as he said that, he was already on the bench with them

"Look at you. You got so big." The troll said as he walks up to Branch

"You're not a branch anymore. You're more like a trunk. Junk in the trunk." He said and unexpectedly slaps Branch's behind, causing him to wince

"Ow!" Branch exclaims

"I bet you I can still pick you up. Come on." In one swift motion, the troll lifts Branch into the air, but that was a bad idea because he started struggling to keep up, complaining about his back

That surprised Hya since she saw how her sons were struggling now to keep up since they're pretty much old for that since they're both adults like her, but it made her chuckle quietly

"Hey. You put my boyfriend down. Tell us who you are and what you want." Poppy said, stepping in protectively

The troll drops Branch and raises his hands in defense

"You're right. Totally rude of me. Didn't introduce myself." He adjusts his jacket and extends his hand to Poppy

"I'm Branch's brother."

"What?" Poppy asked

Branch walks over and peers from behind Poppy

"Correction: Used to be my brother. Not anymore."

Poppy turns around and faces Branch

"Hey, um, remember earlier when I said you should open up to me and be real?"

"Well..." Branch started to say

"You could've started by telling me you had a secret brother!" Poppy yells

"Former brother." Branch corrects

"That's not how DNA works!" Poppy yells again as the troll stands next to Poppy

"Oh my gosh. I was being so rude. I've never met anyone from Branch's before. I'm Poppy, Branch's girlfriend. Should we hug, fist-bump, smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?"

With a smile, Branch's brother shrugs his shoulders

"All of the above."

"Wait, I know you. You're the guy from BroZone! We were just listening to them." Poppy said

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