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After having their food they all went to their rooms for much needed rest. Karan and teja too slept together for some hours and taran and kassu slept with meenu dii. Its around 6 when all went down on lawn for having their evening snack. Both kids when saw teju and karan they ran and hug to them and snugged into her. She knew her kids can't stay away from her for much time. She sometimes wonder what she gonna do once she start her acting career again as in that she needs to travel too much but somewhere she knew she can as now she have karan and family along with her who in her absence will definately take care of them.

" Mumma can we go to play??........." taran asked smiling.

" Yaa sure baby go.....but be carefull...and be here only......" teja said and they agreed.

" Lets go kassu......." taran said taking kassu hand in his.

" So teju what's the plan of night??......." poonam dii asked.

" Or is there some any sort of your's both play for night......" meenu dii said michievously.

" Oh plz meenu dii......" karan said shyly.

" Are uh blusing mr.karan kundrra??........." madhu dii asked laughing.

" Are yr chup kro plz......." karan said whining.

" And yaa there is nothing that sort of plan ohk.....we together all of us will watch movie at the terrace and have our dinner......." karan told them plan.

" Sounds interesting.........." kd said showing thums up.

" Ladoo listen........" karan said slowly on teju ears.

" Hmm yes baby........" teju replied frowning.

" Baby get up.......we have to go somewhere......" he said forwarding his hands.

" But where......" teju asked confused.

" Are get up and come with me........" he said standing while teju too stood up.

" but sunny kids......." teja said walking as karan was literally dragging her.

" Arjun and bharat will look after them......" he said without even looking at her.

" fine but where are we going??........" teja asked puzzeld.

" Its a surprise baby........." karan said winking at her.

Karan was just walking and teja was silently following him not knowing anything. Karan had planned a surprise for her as it was much needed for her. Everytime she just work and look after kids and family and does not get anytime enjoying so he decided to pamper her today in this trip. When he thought of this he just knew he wanted to give this time to his laddoo and so does he did all the preparations. And talked to his family before hand to take care of kids while they will be away for 2 hours atleast. After walking for 5 min they reached the destination at a resort and teja was amazed to see where karan brought her.

" Spa........" teja said flabbergasted.

" Yes couple spa......." karan said all smiling.

" But sunny how....i mean......." she started saying but don't know what to say.

" is needed for us....and specially for uh.....always working...always running around here and there....taking care of but always forget yourself....and today is the day to relax yourself. Just relax thoughts of here and there and thinking about anything....just enjoy your pampering session......." he said kissing her forehead.

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