Chapter 6: Herogasm

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The sun was peeking out through my curtains and hit me in the face, waking me up. I grunted and groaned at this then laid on my back and rubbed my eyes, thinking that was some dream I had last night. I remove my hands off of my face then looked down to see I was naked and my blanket only covered me from the waist down.

I haven't slept naked in years not since....

I turn to my left and see Ben sleeping next to me, he was naked as well. He was laying on his stomach but he didn't have anything covering him at all, so I had a full view his strong, toned back and his ass. His arms tucked up under the pillows his head was lying on, soft snores were emitting out of his nose. And I couldn't help but smile at this.

So, last night wasn't a dream.

Thank God!

I stare at Ben and smiled at his sleeping form before I lean over and kiss his cheek. I then get up, my legs wobble a bit until I regained control over them and make my way to my dresser and pull out some comfortable clothes, shorts and a t-shirt.

After getting some clothes on, I head down to the living room and look outside to see if Butcher and Hughie had arrived. But nope they hadn't, not yet anyway. So I decided to go to the kitchen and cook up some breakfast, if I'm to have guests over I need to be a good host and offer food.

Minutes later, I was cooking the bacon and sausage when I hear footsteps and a hum of approval. "Well, this is a sight I thought I'd never see." Ben's voice said and I look over my left shoulder to see him leaning against the kitchen doorway, wearing gray sweatpants, white t-shirt and an over shirt of the New York Giants baseball uniform. I don't know what it was but this look was lighting a fire within me. It was so casual looking but Ben made it look sexy.

"And what would that be?" I asked him and he smirks. "Seeing you in the kitchen, cooking breakfast..." he said then he starts to walk over to me. "Yeah, well, I've had forty years of practice." I laughed and he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

He hums at this then he kisses my cheek then moves his lips to my neck and started his attack on my neck. "Ben..." I sighed as I'm trying to concentrate on cooking but the way his kissing my neck was intoxicating. Then his right hand started to move lower until he slide inside my shorts and he started to rub me with his finger, I gasp. "Ben, I've got breakfast cooking." I said, restraining from letting out a moan, as he inserts two fingers in me. I lean my head back with another gasp while he kisses up to my jaw, my cheek then he goes to my ear and whispers. "Fuck breakfast."

I move the pan with the bacon and sausage off of the heat and turn around to face Ben, which forced him to pulls his finger out of me, and we heavily make-out. We had our hands moving around each other, touching every part we could if we hadn't done that already the night before.

"Excuse me..." a voice said and Ben and I stop our make-out session and look over to see that Butcher and Hughie had arrived. "Is this gent bothering you?" Butcher asked me, in a joking type of manner, as Ben pulls me to his side, placing his arm around my shoulder and I wrap my arms around his waist. "I believe you're a hundred years too late on that." I laughed then I pull away from the embrace and attend to the food. Ben then smacks my ass and I give him a disapproving look but I couldn't hide the smile as he gives me a wink.

"By the way, how the hell did you two get in?" I asked Butcher as I go back to cooking the food. "I have my ways." Butcher replied and I scoffed. "Well....Any of you fine gentlemen want any breakfast?" I asked them as I started cooking up some eggs and used my telekinesis powers to start toasting some bread.

Minutes later, the four of us were gathered at the dining table eating the breakfast I cooked up when Butcher speaks up. "Listen, let's have a little chat about this team-up, yeah?" He said and Ben looks over at him. "Yeah, what the hell do I need a team for? The last one handed me to the Reds." Ben grumbles as he eats a strip of bacon. "And we got you out of that little pickle. We wrapped up Crimson Countess and delivered her like a fսcking Christmas turkey, and I even sorted Gunpowder for you." Butcher said and I look down.

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