High School- Hell Is More Like It

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You weren't exactly sure how you ended up in the situation, trapped in a cabin in the middle of the forest while your 'friends' talked and chattered about who-knows-what. Honestly, you weren't paying attention. You were more focused on the fact that they seperated you from your little toy.

All you know is that one moment you were signing a waiver stating the school will not be held responsible and blah blah blah, you didn't really read the rest and signed it anyway cause your human wanted to go on the trip and you supposed you could treat him a little, he's been doing good so far.

Him letting you stay with his family for example when you didn't have anywhere else to go - once your little human had found out about you let's just say your foster family had a rather bloody ending to their story.

Police were called, an investigation was done, things led to one another and you were plopped right where you had planned to be - right with your toy to keep an even closer eye on him. Keep him on a tight leash as he should be.

Plus it worked out in the end and you no longer needed to go to your part-time job as a cashier in a run-down part of town. They let you go, deciding it would be better to not deal with someone who had the 'trauma' of surviving a cruel and vicious murder.

"Y/n! Come join us, we're about to break out the s'mores!" One of your classmates called and you rolled your eyes, swiping your tongue across your sharp teeth and fangs - classmates, seriously, they were a food source at most.

The fact you had to remain civil and friendly with the species and practically bend over backwards for them was disgusting.

"No thanks," you replied in a chipper tone, "I'm good. Need to place the bedding on the top bunk anyways, don't know if there's bedbugs, ya know?" You smiled away while forcing down bile.

"Oh, is that so your boyfriend can come over?" then there was giggling, that annoying and wretched sound that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head (if they could).

"For the last time, Tobias is my best friend, okay." then the giggling just grew more, as if the word friend was secret code for lover.

If you could rip out their vocal cords you would, but the risk of being found out always stopped you in your tracks. The thought of being experimented on, questioned, harassed, hunted down, all of it is what stopped you . . . and because Tobias would cry and scream.

Fuck, hearing him cry and scream is annoying. Very annoying. Hearing him cry about how you "Shouldn't do it!" and "Please, for me!" can get very annoying very quickly. It was amazing how many lives he spared just by offering the one thing you needed: Blood.

That's all Tobias was, a blood bag, your next meal. He played his part well, you'll give him that. Always making sure you were fed, never hungry - a habit he started to pick up recently (even making sure you were happy).

Another strange habit that he's also started was clinging to you like a spider to its web, never letting you stray to far. It's gotten to the point where if anyone wants to find either of you, just look for one and you'll find the other.

"Right, well, I'm going out to say hi to the other team." You told them and left the cabin and their giggling mess behind. "Don't you mean, Tobias?" One called and you shut the door behind you with a slam. Curse these wretched humans.

Your school group wasn't the only one here apparently. It was a retreat of sorts, a 'who has the best school team' type of thing. A voluntary program that Tobias really wanted you to join - so you did - reciting the fact that it was because you didn't trust him.

"Y/n!" A soft, yet always nervous voice said from nearby. Speaking of Tobias, there he was in all his human-y glory.

Tobias was a short human, shorter than most, just barely reaching your shoulders (you could rest your head on his if you wanted to). He had unruly, unkempt black hair and stormy grey eyes that shined against tanned skin, showing just how much time he spent out in the sun. His neck covered in a scarf, and a brown jacket, keeping him warm in the autumn season.

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