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Dinner came by and went, you had to eat the disgusting, tasteless crap on your plate in order to blend in. Tobias didn't recover well from the incident, barely touching his plate to the point that you had to forcefully feed him - explaining to fellow classmates that he was just nervous about tomorrow.

Now, you were in your bunk bed, staring at the ceiling as you thought about the events that were going to take place tomorrow. Maybe you'll actually win, it would make Tobias happy.

A thud at the door had you looking up from your bed and staring through the darkness, red crept into your vision for a split second and nothing greeted your eyes though the door. No veins of a deer or a person or anything was seen. It must've been a stick or something or someone trying to play a prank on your group.

Then there was another thud accompanied by a groan, a gurgling groan that had you getting up from your bed and staring down the door. That wasn't . . . that wasn't the sound of a sleep-deprived person.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." Lily, the person below you groaned and got up, yawning as she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes, "Wait- don't-" but it was too late. She opened the door, moonlight poured in, and whatever was banging at the door attacked Lily.

There was a sharp scream, filled with terror and pain until it stopped and snapping and gurgling and groaning took over the once silent room. Then more screams, from everyone as they looked at the scene before them. Blood, so much blood. Snapping bones, the sound of chewing.

Then more were pouring in, stumbling past the first . . . whatever it was and attacking the rest of the classmates below, more screams were heard outside and the sound of gunfire.

Tobias! Your thoughts screamed, and you tensed, looking down when a thud came from the wooden post of the bed below. You stared down and two, milky white, dead eyes stared up at you. The jaw torn off, unhinged, hanging from a few strands of flesh.

Zombies- the damn creatures of the undead, mindless beasts that were low, lower than your status of a vampiric revenant. Anything really was below your status. Humans being dead last.

All you knew was that zombies (from stories) were akin to vampires, except stupid, slower, and obviously vampires were far superior. The fact that they even existed (exist) was a mockery.

The dead eyes stared up at you, looking but not seeing before they focused on the barley moving body of Lily and released a gargled scream-groan and leapt onto the quickly-dying-body of Lily.

Thuds against your bed had you falling off - since you were already leaning over it - and you hit the ground with a thud ass first on the ground, your legs splayed out and your head against the bed frame.

You groaned, and opened your eyes (you had closed them when you fell) and were met with the face of a zombie, eye hanging out of its socket, another milky one staring at you, but again not really seeing you. It groaned, walked forward and banged its head against yours.

You closed your eyes, expecting to get bit, ready for the feeling of teeth chomping down on your flesh. Then the ripping and tearing and bleeding of rotting blood mixed with human. You were prepared. Ready.

But . . . after a few moments nothing happened expect the sound of groaning (and screaming from your classmates being eaten) and you opened your eyes. The zombie was just leaning against you, staring, doing nothing before it moved away to join the others.

What . . . what just happened? You were right there, why hasn't it bit you? It had ample opportunity to, so why-

You got up, slowly, tense, prepared to run if one charged at you, but again, none of them paid you any mind. Taking the opportunity you waved your arm in front of the mutilated corpse of Lily (who had risen),  - her arm missing, a hole in her stomach, and her face chewed up - and she did nothing, just groaned and walked past to join the carnage behind you.

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