Fate. (Mention of blood/gore)

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"I CHOOSE TO... KILL THEM!" Valerie shouts laughing.
"What..." clover replies on the verge of tears.
"I'll give you one minute to run or hide! GO!" Valerie says smirking. She has gone completely crazy.
They all run and hide including Aria who is now fearing for her life. Valerie is counting. Every second that goes past the more excited she gets. She had ordered one of her goons to get her a chainsaw somehow.
There are 10 seconds left. Valerie is giggling and kicking her feet, Clover is running trying to find a hiding spot, Angelo is hiding in a closet and Sid is hiding in his room, he's crying.
"READY OR NOTT! HERE VAL COMES!" Valerie shouts walking dragging the chainsaw along.
She looks around everywhere. Until she Valerie finds Aria.
"THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE JOKER!" Valerie smiles as she brings the chainsaw to Aria's arm.
"YOUR NOT SO HAPPY NOW ARE YOU?" Valerie shouts. She cuts Aria's arm off. Aria screams in agonising pain as she stares at Valerie pleading and begging for her life. She had then done the same for the other arm. Aria was losing a lot of blood and was still begging and pleading for forgiveness. Then it was her head...
"YOU WAS A RIGHT BITCH!" Valerie shouts staring at Aria's lifeless body. She was covered in blood.
She walks away wiping the blood off her cheek. She then continues searching for anyone else. She spots Clover who is still searching for a spot to hide.
"OHHH CLOVER!" Valerie shouts, Clover looks over her shoulder frozen in fear. She then screams and runs off.
Valerie chases her until Clover is too weak to run anymore. They're in the same room as Angelo who is still hiding in a closet.
"No... no... please Val please! You're better than this!" Clover shouts as Valerie gets closer to her.
"Please Val!" Clover pleads.
Valerie drops her chainsaw and grabs a pocket knife out of her pocket.
"Val... please don't." Clover cries.
"You... you are just too weak! Maybe if you actually hid you wouldn't die!" Valerie explains as she lunges at Clover. Angelo is watching the whole thing he's frozen is his place he can't move.
Clover falls to the floor as she reaches for her stomach. She looks at her hand and realises that Valerie stabbed her.
"Don't die yet!" Valerie says. She then stabs Clover in the arm. Then the eye.
"I'm... sorry." They were Clover's last words before she died.
"Awwh man! I told you! You are weak!" Valerie says wiping the bloody knife on her coat.
She then took one last look around and decided to go to Sid's room.
"There you are!" Valerie says smiling.
"Val... listen. I know you can't kill me. You won't be able to if you still love me." Sid explains standing up.
Valerie stays quiet.
"See. You're rethinking it aren't you." Sid says.
"Sid... what... what have I done." Valerie says looking at him. She's finally broke.
"SID I'M A MONSTER!" Valerie shouts.
"No. No you're not." Sid replies. Valerie walks closer to him as she cries begging him to kill her.
"Please kill me please!" Valerie begs.
"I can't. I love you too much." Sid answers as Valerie drops the knife and hugs him.
"It's okay. I'm here let's leave this place." Sid explains. As they walk out Valerie holding Sid's hand tightly.
They then see Angelo standing there shaken up.
As Valerie walks up to him she hugs him and apologises.

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