Chapter 2 - Lost In the Familiar

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Author's Note: Hunter's POV! :D 

Also, all the beginning chapter titles are from the song Till I See You Again by Unsecret. :)

WARNING: Mentions of past (and possible) seizures 

~ Amina Gila

His head is throbbing. It wasn't as bad when they were enroute to Kamino, but Hunter thinks that being back here, amidst so many electromagnetic frequencies, is making it worse. It was bad before, on Ringo Vinda, but now... it's worse somehow. Or maybe it's just more distracting. Or maybe it's the increased stress over fighting with Echo. He doesn't want to fight with Echo, but Echo is questioning him, and he – that's not how this works. They are the ones who are rogue, who question orders, and Echo is the one who sticks with their orders, who follows the regulations. He's not as strict as many of the regs, but he's – well, he's not rogue like them, and this whole situation is unsettling Hunter.

He doesn't like it, not at all, but he doesn't know what he can even do about it, either. The Jedi are traitors, and he understands why Echo isn't happy about it, why it's bothering him so much, but he doesn't – the others are wrong. The Jedi are traitors. They must be. Why else would they have been given the orders they were? It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense for the Republic to have all the Jedi killed unless they actually did something wrong, and if not? How is it really their place to question or disobey? That's what the others don't understand.

Hunter is their sergeant because he's meant to lead, because he knows how to. He was taught to. He's responsible for them, and half the time, he doesn't think that they really understand exactly how much work it is. There's so much paperwork to be completed: official reports to be filled out, requests for supplies, acknowledgements of receipt of important correspondences, medical clearances when they're injured. And that doesn't even get into all the meetings he had to attend as the leader. He never tells them how exhausted he's been, especially recently, with so little time to rest. He doesn't want to burden them with it. It's his responsibility, and he has to take care of them. It's what he's always done.

He's not going to start questioning orders that could lead to making crucial errors in judgment and get his squad hurt. If the Jedi are traitors, then they're traitors, and he's not going to dwell on it. The sting of betrayal that he feels is tamped down before it can unbalance him. It was one of the first lessons Hunter learned as a child, how to keep his emotions in control, because losing control of them only made his overstimulation issues worse.

The Batch go to the briefing together. They don't talk on the way, taking their places in the rows and rows of thousands of clones – everyone who is here on Kamino, and that is a lot of people. Hunter keeps his helmet on to try and minimize the sensory overload he's being hit with, though it only helps so much.

"– And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled," the hologram of Chancellor Palpatine announces at the front of the room. Kaminoan personnel are on the stage, and Hunter recognizes Nala Se easily. "The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed."

Wrecker snorts. "You can say that again!" Tech gives him a look, but Hunter ignores them both. He doesn't have the energy to deal with them unless there's a crisis of epic proportions that demands his attention. Right now, he's content to space out and let his thoughts tumble over one another in no discernable pattern. Stars, he's tired.

"But I assure you," the Chancellor continues, "My resolve has never been stronger! In order to ensure the security and continuing stability –"

Movement catches Hunter's eyes, and he leans forward a bit to see if – yes, he saw right. It looks like there's a child up there in front with Nala Se. "What is it?" Tech murmurs.

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