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"a kiss is the beginning of cannibalism"


My initial instinct to his threatening cockiness is to steal the large blade strapped to his thigh and try to put him in a compromising position. One thing about me is although i may be intimidated by Feyd initially i do not forget that i too am a trained killer capable of exactly the same as him. So although that is my first instinct i know better than to spoil my mission so early on because of my pride and temper. Instead of stealing his knife i maintain eye contact and great him, "hello na baron feyd-rautha harkonnen". He stares for a mere minute after i great him before he walks away further into his room not saying a word . I promised myself to never let my back be turned to this psychopath so i turn my body to follow his direction. He stands in front of his mirror and begins to undress from his uniform. I can see him glance over to me for a second several times as he begins to lose all of his clothing. Just the air around this "man" reeks of arrogance. At this point he's down to his undergarments and i start to examine him further out of curiosity. His pale white body is chiseled like a statue as expected, but if anyone was to look remarkably close they would see that there are majorly faded large scars all over his torso and arms. At this point i'm expecting him to go through his wardrobe and get into a different outfit but he then grabs the ties keeping his underwear together and takes it off leaving him completely naked. He turns around from the mirror without looking or acknowledging me and marches into the large connected room with this grand marble and glass shower. I don't follow for obvious reasons but i make sure to keep my eye at the doorway to prevent my demise.

Give or take 20 minutes goes by and i hear the water turn off. I'm now laying down on his bed with my elbows propping me up, my feet dangle off the edge of the bed. I am certainly not as worried or anxious about losing my life to him right now, but i have to play my cards right in order to gain his trust and then use it against him. Feyd walks out of his bathroom with a black cloth wrapped around his waist and i can see the water beading on his chest and head. He walks over to his wardrobe and opens the doors. As he looks through his options i see him look though the mirror at me. "my birthday has not quite gone as planned ms cassara, my match in the arena was faulted and my harpies are missing which i assume you have something to do with" he says as he begins to get dressed. He puts his undergarments on with a tight black sleeved shirt still missing his pants and the rest of his customary uniform. He turns around and walks towards the end of the bed and leans on the bed with with hands on either side of me with an emotionally empty look. "i unlike some of my family members have eyes, ears and a brain cassara korhonen, i know you are no angel." My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach, did he know my intentions, that i was here to kill him? I see him start to reach for what i can only assume is a blade that was tucked into his back, and my instincts immediately take over. I grab both of his arms and flip him over me with my feet at his pelvis. From there he starts to get up and turn to be laying on his stomach and i quickly throw myself on top of him to straddle his lower back to take the blade from him. When im not blinded by panic i start to realize that all he had behind his back was a scroll. It was a trap, an easily spotted trick i fell for. I look at feyd and he's got a devilish grin smeared all over his face, "like i said i know you're no angel cassara, i advise you get off of me before i really do pull a blade on you". I immediately jump off of him and pull my dresses fabric with me as i inch backwards towards the edge of the bed. He stands up and makes his way off the bed as well and back towards his wardrobe to continuing getting dressed. "i don't know why you're here or what your motives are yet, but know this, no matter what goes on between us whether we are arranged to be married or you end up dead in that arena just know i will find out what you are really here for, the only reason you're not dead yet is because i want to see what you're really up to, you aren't special"


After our "altercation" i left from his quarters without saying another word and went to the guest wing to find my room. This is going to be a lot harder than i originally thought, feyd-rautha upholds his reputation.

I successfully make it back to my room, and it surprisingly took at least 10 minutes to make my way from his room to mine. I open the door to find my room similar to Feyds, just smaller, no windows, black and white color palette, and one large circular mirror. I see the luggage that was packed for me in the corner of the rooms but as i look into the wardrobe all of my clothes are hung up and put away. I change out of my chiffon dress into a more comfortable sleep set and slip into the silk sheets on the bed. I attempt to sleep but my world has been completely flipped over by the fact that he knew something wasn't right with me. I also can't help but think of his body, the significantly large scars that had faded enough for me not to notice in passing confused me. He was the barons nephew, the heir to the throne since he was at least 4, why on earth would he be covered in these horrible battle scars. Although it has confused me, it made me feel better about the ones that also lined my body just like his.

I start to fall asleep but i'm violently awoken by the memory of the harkonnen servants putting my clothing away. I had my weapons built into the structure of my luggage, they would have had to crack my suitcases front piece open like an egg and even to do that they would have had to find the very small indicators on where to place their hands. I slip out of my bed and go to the corner where my luggage sits. It appears that everything is still in tact, but just to make sure i crack my suitcase open. I thankfully see all of my weapons lined up in the front piece of the suitcase. But something sends chills down my spine, one of these knives sitting in my luggage should not be here, one of these knives is not like the others.

Sitting in my front luggage compartment is one of feyd-rauthas daggers from his arena fight this afternoon and none of my other knives are missing

In the Web of Power ( feyd-rautha )Where stories live. Discover now