😞Empathy: Screech x Reader (Angst)😞

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Screech is Female
Reader is Male

"F/N!! PLEASE TALK TO ME!" A loud yell could be heard inside of the hotel. It was desperate, and it could've popped the eardrums of who heard it.

"F/N! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" The same voice could be heard, and it was Y/N's voice, who entered the abandoned hotel with his friend, F/N. But now, F/N got attacked, and now he's laying on the woodenly floor, unconscious.

"... Please... I can't do this without you..." Y/N said, tears forming In his eyes. Both Y/N and F/N we're friends since childhood and were raised together in the same neighborhood and school, but now, all of that was gone in just mere seconds.

"... Why... WHY?!..." Y/N screamed, bursting down with tears, laying on top of F/N's dead body.

"... I must get out of here... For you, F/N..." Y/N shakily said, sobbing uncontrollably. "Have a good rest... See you later, bud." Y/N said, getting up and walking to the next room, not bothering to even look back.

Y/N walked a few rooms, until he found a dark one, and he pulled out his lighter, lighting it up, and he saw it was one gigantic locked room, with various doors on the sides.

"... I can finally breakdown in peace..." Y;N said, entering one of the rooms, and seeing a small bedroom with a few drawers, a bed, and a desk.

Y/N sat down on the bed, looking at the ground, tears forming In his eyes again. And soon enough, Y/N bursted down on tears, sobbing and hiccupping uncontrollably, his heart racing.

"W-why must T-This happen... To m-me..?" Y/N managed to say between sobs, since the death of his friend hit him very harshly, and now, it was time mourn it on peace.

"I c-can't withstand this... I n-need to join my f-friend in the afterlife..." Y/N said, picking up his lighter and getting up from the bed, determined to look for something that could possibly end his life.

And he looked, room after room, drawer after drawer, but he found nothing. Not even a single sharp item except for the key, but it bent when Y/N tried to stab himself with it.

Y/N tried to burn himself to death, but he accidentally let the lighter run out, so now he was all alone in the darkness.
Or was he?

"I guess I have to starve myself to death..." Y/N said, his breathing still heavy, since it would take quite some time for Y/N to recover.

Y/N layed down on the bed, looking to the side, trying to take a rest after all of this madness. But eventually, the mourning would come back to get him once again, and he would cry himself to sleep, literally drying his tear pockets.

Screech saw everything from afar ever since Y/N entered the room, and she was feeling sad for him, almost crying as well, and despite the fact that she is supposed to kill people off guard in dark rooms, she felt that it wasn't right to do so with Y/N. She wanted to help him, to comfort him.

Screech flew closer to Y/N, seeing him asleep, a huge puddle of tears in the mattress, almost looking like a river. "Oh my... That must've been quite a lot to handle..." Screech whispered to herself, flying closer to Y/N, her face frowning with concern.

She kept looking at Y/N for quite a while, his breathing slowly calming down, and Screech felt the urge to comfort Y/N, despite the fact that she is a killing machine.

And so, she did. Screech layed down beside Y/N, wrapping her tentacles around him, embracing him. "It'll all be fine..." Screech whispered, closing her eyes.

Screech would end up falling asleep as well, cuddling with Y/N, and it felt somewhat right, because ever since Screech became who she is now, she never felt empathic towards anything, but now, after she saw Y/N's suffering, she felt bad for him, and she let her feelings wash over her, and she would try to make Y/N as comfortable as possible.

Y/N would wake up a few hours later, his brain still processing the scenery I'm front of him, and he felt something wrapped around him, almost like if something was hugging him.

Y/N looked to the side to see a ball with a black substance, and it's tentacles wrapped around him, embracing his body.

"What the actual f*ck..." Y/N silently said, trying to not wake up the thing that just cuddled up with him in his sleep.

Eventually, the creature would wake up, and after a while, both of them screamed at each other, almost looking like some scene you would see in a horror movie of some sort.

"WHAT ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Y/N yelled, trying to make the creature let go of him. "Sorry! I just wanted to make you feel better!" The creature replied with a feminine voice, tightening her grip around Y/N's body.

"...What?" Y/N said, stopping his sprawling, and looking at the ball. "I saw everything... How you suffered, how you mourned... And I felt bad for you, so I wanted to comfort you..." The ball said, letting go of Y/N, flying in front of him, but looking to the side in shame.

"...You... Gave up on killing me because... You felt empathic for me..?" Y/N managed to say, flabbergasted. "I... Guess so." Screech said, looking at Y/N again.

"But... If you heard all of my mourning... You should've heard my wish for suicide... Why don't you finish the job..?" Y/N said, expecting an approval of Screech to kill him.

"... Because I won't. I refuse to kill someone after I heard your backstory. You still have a lot in front of you, and you shouldn't let this event ruin the rest of your life." Screech responded, her voice filled with sincerity.

"You... Care... About me..?" Y/N asked, confused yet happy on the inside. "Yes... Yes I do." Screech replied, flying closer to Y/N.

"...Thanks for the concern... But my time here is up. I need to meet my friend in the afterlife, so-" "No. No you won't kill yourself." Screech cut Y/N off, catching him off guard.

"Listen, I might not be the best replacement for your deceased friend, but I can be your new companion." Screech said, looking at Y/N with dead seriousness.

"... I... I don't know what to say..." Y/N said, looking at the ground. "Take your time. You need more rest, friend." Screech commented. "I guess so..." Y/N said, putting the blankets over him.

"I will stay here. For any issue, call for me. My name's Screech." Screech said, letting Y/N know he's safe with her. "Ok... So I guess your company would be neat... I want you to sleep with me as well..." Y/N said, blushing.

"O-Oh... If you say s-so..." Screech responded, flying towards Y/N and wrapping her tentacles around him, embracing him.

"Don't worry... I'm your friend now." Screech whispered, closing her eyes and leaning her head on Y/N's. "Thank you..." Y/N replied, accepting the contact, and closing his eyes too.

" Y/N replied, accepting the contact, and closing his eyes too

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