The realisation

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Nikhil :

I'm in complete shock when he said I'm late . It made me realise that it's not only me who loved him but he loved me too.

I should have confessed my feelings to him way earlier. I can't.... because I was afraid and confused about my feelings towards him so I distanced myself from him and tried every fu*king thing to forget him from immersing myself in work to hooking up with girls in these years but that feeling in me made my every try go in vain.

I'm in verge of destruction when his name appeared in my phone. I was so happy to see him calling me it felt like the god himself want us together.

"Hello!.." I answered the call ,the excitement in my 'hello' was evident. But no one answered from the other end , again I said "hello" longing to hear his voice then I heard a faint and low 'hello' from him, my heart crunched and I felt a unexplainable pain .

Then we both fell in silence.
I wanted to confess my feelings then and there the moment I heard his voice .

"I didn't expect you to attend my call " Sam said in surprise. I don't know how to reply so I remained silent ,then he continued with a sigh " How are you doing? " . I said  "fine" I'm nothing but fine because of him but he don't know anything.

He revealed the purpose of his call which shattered me into pieces. Sam told " I'm getting married on this Friday, I contacted you to invite you to my wedding but I didn't expect you to speak with me,.....Come if you are free I don't mind if you are busy " .
I can't hear anything other the word marriage.

Tears were flowing from my eyes without my knowledge. I couldn't control my tears and no word came out of my mouth. But I managed to say " yes " I don't know how it came out but it's certainly not a steady one.

After he cut the call I burst out and started crying. My heart felt like it's being teared and the pain travelled throughout my body.

I really didn't know what to do . I don't have  strength in my heart to see him marry another person and I don't have that strength to confess my feelings to him now. I told myself that I'm not going to his marriage but I wanted him to know my love for him no matter what ,I wanted to confess to him even he feel disgusted.

I may not see him again but I wanted him to know the real 'me' . So I came here to see him for the last time and tell him that I love him

I didn't expect him to react like this. He never showed that he liked me in any manner, if I had known this we would have been the happiest being in the world right now but the world doesn't revolve the we want.

But after he told me that I was late and the way he reacted proved that he still has feelings for me and It gives me a faint hope that we can be together and happy but I can't be in delusions he's getting married tomorrow......

Haaa"Fu*k the marriage He likes me, HE IS MINE and I WANT HIM" I told myself following the path Sam went. I'm going to get him to myself......

Author note : Thank you for reading 'My gay husband' I try my best to give an entertaining and spicy story. Keep supporting and I try to upload two chapters a week ✌🏻✌🏻 peace 🥰

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